NorthRidge Fellowship was woven together with a single-minded focus on growing in our love for God; living out our love for God by growing in our love for each other; and serving alongside others on that same faith journey in the mission of Christ to make a difference in this world. It’s who we are.
NorthRidge Fellowship
NorthRidge Fellowship is a community of Christ-followers that loves God and expresses His love to others. That vision was woven into our church DNA from the beginning in September 2000, and it remains our focus today. Everything we do is about helping each other grow in our love relationship with God, growing in our love for each other, and reaching out to share the love of Jesus Christ by making a difference in our community and our world.
Come as you are
Weekends at NorthRidge offer a place for every member of the family to grow in their love for God, to learn to grow in love for each other as we make a difference in our world. We invite you to join us for services and classes on Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am.
Casual Atmosphere
At NorthRidge you can expect to find a friendly, casual atmosphere and people of all ages and walks of life.
A hospitality team volunteer will greet you at the door and help you get acquainted with NorthRidge. We’ll invite you to grab a cup of our home-brewed Honduran coffee from the refreshment station, then join us in the worship center (yes, you can bring that cup of coffee with you!). Sit wherever you’re comfortable. And if you need help finding a seat or require special accommodations, one of our ushers will be glad to help.
We Treasure Your Family
We treasure your family. If you brought your kids or youth, we’ll invite you to check them in with our hosts.
Our kids ministry for infant to 5th grade is specially designed to teach your kids about Jesus through hands-on activities, fun songs and Bible-focused learning in a warm, kid-friendly environment. Our check-in system helps provide a safe environment and is comfortably efficient so you can get your kids settled and be on your way to the worship service quickly.
If you have youth 6th-12th grade, be sure to tell them they have their own programs too (Wednesday nights)! Our student ministry called The Search is designed to help students discover and live out their own faith and make an impact in their world.
Your Place To Grow
We’re glad you’re here! Come on in, and check us out. And relax. We want you to ask questions, explore your faith and discover what a real relationship with Jesus means for your life.
We would love to connect with you! Complete this connection card so that we can get to know you better.
We Focus on Jesus
Worship services at NorthRidge are a time when we draw closer to God, through prayer, Bible readings, and through songs played with passion by a live worship band.
Our worship is authentic, expressive and conversational, as we focus on Jesus – who He is, and what he’s done for us. You’ll hear challenging messages from the Bible from Pastor Ben McEachern that stretch your understanding of God’s word, and make sense for your everyday life.
We are united through Christ
What We Believe
God is the creator of the universe and giver of all that is good. God is the savior—known boldly and intimately in Jesus and his life, death, and resurrection—who shows us how to live and love. God is the Spirit who enables us to make a difference in our world and in the lives of others. We believe that grace is the love, honesty, and compassion that God gives and shows us in Jesus. It’s how Jesus saves us, heals us, sets us free, and increases our capacity for love. We believe that we need each other. Whether single, married, divorced or widowed, it’s a lot easier to follow God with friends than it is by ourselves.
Get to know the NorthRidge Fellowship Staff, Volunteer Ministry Leaders and Overseer Team
Bert Anderson, Communications Lead
Tammy Grandstrand Ministry Assistant
Diane Kondratuk Ministry Assistant
Sarah Cook Hospitality Coordinator
Andy Ruble Finance Administrator
Mike Steffen Maintenance Manager
Kevin Smith Custodian
Zach Helman Youth Assistant
Courtney Allard Kids Assistant
Abbie Veenker Worship Intern
Chloe Allard Kids Intern
Rachel Magnuson CoveKids Assistant