Check-In, Watch, Respond

Sunday 9:00 & 10:30am

Sermon Series: What Do You Want for Christmas?

Join us this Advent Season. You might get what you want for Christmas!

"What do you want for Christmas?" The question stresses me out every year. I don't know. The kitchen and garage are already full of stuff we rarely use. But the real gift is what the gift represents. Maybe that’s the thing about Christmas we can miss. What did God give us when Mary's baby was born? With the arrival of Jesus in Bethlehem that "silent night," did God give us anything we really want? Join us this Advent season. You just might get what you want for Christmas. 

December 8: Love We Can Share 

1 John 4:7-21 (Micah 5:2) 

Love is hard. Sometimes it seems we can only love and be loved when the circumstances are just right. Love is really only for the loveable. The gift of Christmas is a love that loves whether we are loveable or not. What is more, that love, once received, becomes a love we can share. 




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Are you ready to accept what Jesus has done for you today? If so, we believe that you are making the most important decision of your life. Congratulations! Leave your name and contact information on this form so somebody can connect with you, encourage you, and pray with you.

To share with us how God moved you today, what next steps you want to take; to request prayer or share a care need you have; or to give online, use this link.