Life Together
At NorthRidge we believe that life change happens best in the context of small groups. This is the best environment for studying the Bible with one-another, praying for one-another, caring for one-another, and serving one-another. If you aren't plugged into a small group, now is the time!
It’s important to feel a sense of belonging when you attend a church and the best way to do that at NorthRidge Fellowship is to join one of our many Small Groups. These are vibrant gatherings of people, like you, living life in community and fellowship with each other. It’s all about growing in Christ and sharing the Christian journey.
Most groups do service projects together, and nearly every meeting involves food. Some eat dinner together while others simply fellowship over a cup of coffee and a sweet treat. The format is determined by the group leaders, people like you, seeking to know Jesus better and wanting to share their exciting walk with other Christ-followers. While we’re not Bible scholars, we do open the Bible and pray together. It’s all about growing and developing in our personal relationships with Jesus and our knowledge of the word.
Click links below to search for small groups
Are you newer to NorthRidge? Or maybe you have been around for a while, but you are ready to get more involved. This eight-week small group that meets two times a year (fall and winter), is led by Ben and Teri McEachern. They would love to get to know you and to share the heartbeat of NorthRidge Fellowship with you. This is a great opportunity to make some new friends. It is best to make most weeks as the materials build on each other.
Small Group Leader Resources
Leader Resources
Log into Church Center to access the Small Group Leaders group for resources that will help you lead well. Access a list of small group studies owned by the church, and read articles with practical tips that help you lead discussions, foster relationships in your group, tips for effective prayer time and more.
Church Center App
Use the Church Center app on your phone to manage your small group participants, send messages and emails, record attendance and share resources.
Download the app using your app store or access it on your desktop computer.
Explore the small group video resources on RightNow Media!
RightNow Media is an extensive, video library of faith-based videos for kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals and small groups—all aimed at helping you grow in your faith in Jesus. Use this link to create a free profile on RightNow Media.
Let us know if you'd like help finding a group!