Infant to 5th Grade
Infant to 5th Grade
Welcome to Kid's Ministry!
We believe that kids are treasured gifts from God. Our desire at NorthRidge is that each child would receive God’s love for them, that they would grow in their love for God, the people around them, and make a difference in this world. Our goal for each child at NorthRidge is that they would grow up into a mature reflection of Jesus in this world.
“But practicing the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Christ, who is the head” (Ephesians 4:15).
Love God
God’s love for kids is deep and evident in all scripture. At NorthRidge, our goal is to encourage kids to know God better though studying His Word (the Bible), memorizing Bible verses and worshiping him through song, prayer and giving. As they get to know God better, our prayer is that their love for him will grow both in faith and obedience. In kid’s ministry, we believe even at a young age a child can understand their need for a Savior, that’s why we present the gospel message often, and encouraging them to talk with their teachers or parents if they have any questions.
We encourage kids to attend worship with their parents as they are ready. Once they have placed their faith in Jesus as their personal Savior, we encourage them to participate in communion and be baptized.
Love Each Other
In kid’s ministry we learn to love each other in several ways. Through practical application of each Bible lesson, they are learning to love God first but also their family and friends in practical ways. One way we encourage kids to love others is within small groups. In age and gender specific small groups, they are encouraged to share their struggles, victories and prayer requests with each other creating an accepting, safe and loving environment to share life.
On this website page you will find links to our monthly newsletter which has activities and resources to apply and expand on the Biblical principles we are learning in our classes.
Make a Difference
Making a difference means reaching out beyond our families and church to the world around us. Kids love to make a difference, so our goal is to provide opportunities throughout the year for them to make a difference, both in our community and around the world.
Through inviting friends to our weekly Wednesday night KidsQuest, gathering supplies for CROSS (a local food shelf) or Easter baskets for Mobile Hope, kids can make a difference in our community. We also encourage them to make a difference globally through both giving regularly toward missionary projects (see below for online giving links) as well as doing service projects like collecting school supplies or hygiene kits to send on missions trips.
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Sunday Morning
Infant to Kindergarten
Sunday 9:00 & 10:30am
Our youngest children are welcomed into age appropriate classes. They will learn lessons from the Bible, memorize scripture, praise and worship together, learn how much God loves them and Make a Difference in the world around them.
Fall 2024 Memory Verses
As always, it is fine to choose whichever translation of the Bible you like. Our hope is that you will focus on memorizing these as a family! If it is easier, you always have the option to make a video of your child saying their verses and sending it to
Last day to get credit for the Fall verses is November 24. For kids who have memorized all three verses in this unit, they will have the opportunity to go to the memory verse store on December 8 to choose a prize.
Romans 5:8
“... while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Hebrews 11:6
“... without faith it is impossible to please God."
John 1:8
“No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son ... has revealed him."
1st to 5th Grade
Sunday 9:00 & 10:30am (September 8, 2024 to May 18, 2025)
Sunday 9:00am (Summer)
Classes are designed to encourage kids to connect with an adult leader and to develop lasting relationships with a small group of kids. They will learn to Love God through songs, memorize verses, spend time with their small group reading the Bible and do activities that enable them to apply God's Word to their lives.
Fall 2024 Memory Verses
As always, it is fine to choose whichever translation of the Bible you like. Our hope is that you will focus on memorizing these as a family! If it is easier, you always have the option to make a video of your child saying their verses and sending it to
Last day to get credit for the Fall verses is November 24. For kids who have memorized all three verses in this unit, they will have the opportunity to go to the memory verse store on December 8 to choose a prize.
Romans 5:8
“But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Hebrews 11:6
"Now without faith it is impossible to please God since the one who draws near to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him."
John 1:18
“No one has ever seen God. The one and only Son, who is himself God and is at the Faither's side -- he has revealed him."
Infant - 5th Grade
Vacation Bible School (VBS) Reached over 300 Kids!
God was working and moving in the hearts of our kids and leaders the week of June 17-21 at VBS, prompting all of them to dive deeper into friendship with Him! Each day kids explored what it means to have a friendship with a real, loving, trustworthy God – a friendship that lasts forever! Thanks God!
Join our NorthRidge Life Facebook group to view photos from our week at Vacation Bible School. Save the date for next years VBS the week of June 16-20, 2025!
Neighborhood Park Days
Free Family Fun at Area Parks (Summers)
Families, bring your kids to the park this summer and meet new people, enjoy a gaga ball pit, bounce house, and dinner. Everything's free and all ages are welcome!
See the NorthRidge calendar for upcoming park dates and other Kid's Ministry events.
Contact us at with any questions.
Wednesday Nights (During School Year)
Age 3 to 5th Grade
Wednesday September 18, 2024 to May 7, 2025
During KidsQuest, we seek the treasures of God’s kingdom, the real treasures God has written for us in His treasure map—the Bible. KidsQuest is a fun time filled with upbeat kid friendly worship music, active games, relevant Bible teaching, and relational small groups. KidsQuest is a time for kids to invite their friends to meet Jesus.
Stay up to date with kid's ministry happenings and be sure to check back from time to time, as we are always up to something!
Parent App
This free App is a resource for parents to utilize that includes podcasts and videos to help you talk through spiritual topics with your kids of all ages.
Ministry Grid
Kids are sick and you’re stuck at home for church, what do you do? Ministry Grid is a resource for parents to access the Sunday lessons produced by The Gospel Project; the Bible story video, memory verse songs, and other family activites.
To request access, email
YouVersion Bible App for Kids
Help your kids fall in love with God's Word.
Click on the plans tab and you can search different Bible plans for kids, some are video based, some require reading. Our favorite is The Bible Project, Next Steps for Kids, or video devotionals: Bible App for Kids plans.
Kid's Ministry Serving Teams
At NorthRidge there is room for you to join us to serve on the kids ministry team on Sundays, Wednesday and at events. Use the link below to search for teams to join.
Pray for Me
Our kids are being bombarded right and left all day long and our greatest weapon to hold them up and support them is prayer. Your prayers for your kids have a powerful impact. But you are not alone! We want to come alongside you and your kids. This is where Pray for Me comes in. Pray for Me is a program where you can sign up your kids (youth included) to be partnered up with a Prayer Champion who will commit to praying for your kids.
In order to accomplish this task, we need Prayer Champions too! If you could commit to praying weekly for a youth, child or family of kids that would be a great blessing. We also will come alongside you with weekly prayer points, direct to your inbox!
Use these forms to sign up: