NorthRidge Fellowship was woven together with a single-minded focus on growing in our love for God; living out our love for God by growing in our love for each other; and serving alongside others on that same faith journey in the mission of Christ to make a difference in this world. It’s who we are.
Worship Ministry
At NorthRidge Fellowship you’ll experience honest, humble and authentic worship. No grand performance, just real people giving God the very best they have. Our hope is to inspire a growing love for God through reading scripture, music, and other expressions of art.
Family Ministry
Paul Schoolmeesters,
Executive Teaching Pastor
At NorthRidge you’re family. Our ministries are designed to draw us closer together as we learn to love God and show his love to others. We offer classes, programs, small groups and events for all ages and stages.
Missions Ministry
We believe strongly God grows us to be more like Him when we join in His work in the world. We serve in missions to connect us with God’s work outside of our walls, our town and our nation. Some are called to go, others are called to pray, and others are called to support through giving. No matter the calling, it’s about taking Jesus’ message to all parts of the world.