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The purpose of our Bible teaching at NorthRidge Fellowship is to help us understand God and His purpose for our lives. The focus is on following Jesus, and learning how to live a Christ-centered life that expresses His love in this world. We invite you to use the resources on this page to go deeper.
January 5 - April 6, 2025
Sermon Series: Grit
Book of James
Following Jesus takes grit. You probably know that. James, the half-brother of Jesus, knew it too. In the New Testament book bearing his name, James writes to his fellow Christ-followers, calling us to a faith with grit. He knows life is gritty and calls out some stuff we may be tempted to gloss over. James shows us the real challenges are not without, but within. And he shows us how to face those challenges with the courage, perseverance, and love that God has already put in us.
January 5: The Coach
James 1:1-2
Pastor Ben McEachern
A good coach knows more than just the sport. They know their players. They know how to help them find the grit they need to win. Today we meet such a coach. His name is James and he pulls no punches in identifying challenges of following Jesus and equipping us to win. But it will take grit. This week we meet our coach and get an idea of where he is going to challenge us to grow.
January 12: Think Like a Winner
James 1:2-12
Pastor Ben McEachern
Everybody experiences adversity in a variety of ways with varying intensity. Nobody likes it. How do we follow Christ through it? Where do we find the grit? Why do some fold and some flourish? This week James teaches us how to think like a winner.
January 19: Two Truths
James 1:13-18
Pastor Ben McEachern
Temptation is an interesting thing. It's a lie we want to be true, bad judgement masquerading as wisdom. Will we see the lie? The biggest lie in any temptation is what we are tempted to believe about God. This week we learn two truths that ground us and give us the grit to overcome temptation.
January 26: Embracing Change
James 1:19-27
Pastor Paul Schoolmeesters
It's pretty cool what God wants to do in us and through us. It really is the best version of us. But is it what we are actively seeking? One of the secrets of grit is being all in. This week James challenges us with what it takes to be all in and some telltale markers for how we are doing.
February 2: Buck the Trend
James 2:1-13
Pastor Brax Carvette
It's not the way the world works. But then we didn't come to Jesus so we could be the same. So let's do community different than the world. This really matters to God. It will take some grit on our part because old habits die hard. This week James calls us to buck the trend and be a community that acts like the Gospel.
February 9: Faith Does
James 2:14-26
Pastor Ben McEachern
It's one thing to believe. It's another thing to do. Or is it? What if faith and action were more like friction and heat? Do the one and you get the other. What if action is the window to what we really believe? This week we see that faith does and learn what faith in Jesus acts like.
February 16: The Power of our Words
James 3:1-12
Pastor Ben McEachern
Communication is hard. Misunderstanding is easy. Speaking in ignorance is even easier. A casual comment can have many unintended consequences. Our words have power for good and evil. Respecting their potential for destruction is the first step in using them wisely. This week we heed the warning to watch our words.
February 23: Flip the Script
James 3:13-18
Pastor Paul Schoolmeesters
Last week we heard the warning about the negative power of our words. How do we flip the script and unleash a positive power? It has to do with the source of our words. Is our source earthly wisdom or heavenly wisdom? This week we learn what it looks like to draw from God's well of wisdom and bring real peace.
March 2: Godly Conflict
James 4:1-12
By Mike Stella, NorthRidge Member
Conflict is inevitable. What will it take for us to be the peacemakers we talked about last week? As we are coming to expect, James' answer is that we have the grit to take a hard look inside. He shows us how to lean into to our relationship with God and put the conflict in his capable hands. This week we learn how to have Godly conflict.
March 9: Living Led
James 4:13-17
Pastor Ben McEachern
Planning is a good thing. Planning is a necessary thing. The bigger the thing we are trying to do, the more planning is required. But how do we determine what the "thing" is that we plan to do? The "thing" matters. Followers of Jesus seek him for that "thing." This week it's not about the planning, it's about living led.
March 16: Short-sighted
James 5:1-6
Pastor Paul Schoolmeesters
At first blush this passage doesn't apply to most of us. After all, we aren't rich. It's a good warning for "those people." Actually the passage is for all of us. Materialism is not limited to one economic strata. It will take some grit but we all must begin to see whatever wealth we have as a responsibility or we will be short-sighted.
March 23: True Grit
James 5:7-12
Pastor Ben McEachern
Life isn't like most sports where there is a clock you can watch and know how long until the game is over. Yet we are called to persevere with an eye to the return of Jesus. This will require true grit. This week James exhorts us to keep our eyes on the prize and not quit.
March 30: Praying with Grit
James 5:13-18
Pastor Ben McEachern
Grit and prayer go together. If you have grit in your relationship with Jesus it's because you are persistent in talking to him. What is more, your prayers are gritty. They are about the stuff of life, the good the bad and the ugly. In this penultimate teaching in this letter James lands the plane here, exhorting us to pray with grit.
April 6: Gritty Church
James 5:19-20
Pastor Ben McEachern
God never meant for us to follow him alone. None of us has the grit all by ourselves. We need each other. It is too easy to get discouraged, distracted, or deceived. We are called to be a gritty Church. This Communion Sunday we not only celebrate our connection with Christ, but also the connection he has created between us. So as we recommit to follow him let us recommit to do so together.
December 29, 2024
Sermon Topic: All That You Need, Psalm 23
by Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
You will have all you need in 2025
As we approach a new year, we tend to think about whether we will have a good year, whether we will have what we need, what kind of hardships we will face, and other mixtures of hopeful and stressful thoughts. But let me tell you: If God is your shepherd, you have all that you need. You can have confidence in 2025 that God is with you!
December 1-24, 2024
Sermon Series: What Do You Want for Christmas?
Join us this Advent Season. You might get what you want for Christmas!
"What do you want for Christmas?" The question stresses me out every year. I don't know. The kitchen and garage are already full of stuff we rarely use. But the real gift is what the gift represents. Maybe that’s the thing about Christmas we can miss. What did God give us when Mary's baby was born? With the arrival of Jesus in Bethlehem that "silent night," did God give us anything we really want? Join us this Advent season. You just might get what you want for Christmas.
December 1: Hope We Can Trust
Isaiah 9:1-7; Roman 5:1-5
We all know what it is to be disappointed. We've gotten our hopes up only to be let down. The Christmas story is for people who have had their hopes crushed. The gift of Christmas is a reason to hope again. Because of that baby in the manger, we have a hope we can trust.
December 8: Love We Can Share
1 John 4:7-21 (Micah 5:2)
Love is hard. Sometimes it seems we can only love and be loved when the circumstances are just right. Love is really only for the loveable. The gift of Christmas is a love that loves whether we are loveable or not. What is more, that love, once received, becomes a love we can share.
December 15: Joy We Can Keep
Luke 1:39-56; Luke 2:10; John 15:11
A lot of people are running hard after happiness. Honestly, we all are. The ups and downs in life can rob us of our happiness. The gift of Christmas is a thing called joy. It's a thing that sees the moment and feels something greater and worthwhile in it. It's a joy you can keep.
December 22: Peace We Can't Fathom
Luke 2:9-15; John 14:27; Philippians 4:6-7
We have so much stress and anxiety these days. Many people feel inadequate for their situation in life and unsure about the future. Maybe things feel so out of control because we have lost our point of reference. The gift of Christmas is a connection with someone bigger than our circumstances. It's a peace you can't fathom.
December 24: The Light We Can Follow
Hebrews 1:1-3; 2:17-18
What do you want for Christmas? It's Christmas Eve. Time to open gifts. This Advent season we have lit candles celebrating the gift of hope, love, joy, and peace. These are not four separate gifts. Not only can you not have one without the other, you can't have one without having them all. Why? Because they come wrapped in one package. They are received when we see the child in the manger as "the Light we can follow."
September 8 - November 24, 2024
Sermon Series: Into the Unknown
This fall we will learn from the Israelites as they answered God's call and learned to live by faith as they followed God "into the unknown."
It seems to be a natural thing that we seek the familiar and avoid the unknown. But the nature of life is that the future is always unknown. The question is, "Do you know where you are going and how to get there?" You are not stuck where you are. You were not meant to wander in the dark. God invites us to follow Him to a place of blessing He promised, a place of redemption, hope, and His personal presence. But faith is required. This fall we will learn from the Israelites as they answered God's call and learned to live by faith as they followed God "into the unknown."
September 8: Waiting on God
Exodus 1:1-2:10
Life was going so well, until it wasn't. We've all been there when circumstances change and it's just not fun anymore. What do we do? Where do we go? Where's God? Maybe you're there right now. Today we start a journey of faith. For the next 3 months we will learn how to live by faith, by walking with the descendants of Jacob as God leads them out of slavery toward the place of blessing they do not know. But the journey of faith starts with "Waiting on God."
September 15: The Way of the Wilderness
Exodus 2:11-25
When we start the journey of faith we all come with many opinions of what God should do and how. There is a way that seems so clear you wonder how God could miss it! So you help him out. If that's you, you're in good company. Moses had an "I'll do it my way" moment. So God hit reset and led him on "The Way of the Wilderness."
September 22: Meeting God
Exodus 3:1-22
How do you know you can trust God? After all, he doesn't always do what you want. Can you trust him to lead you? This is a big question and the answer hangs on the nature of his character and his power. So much is unknown. Do you know him? Today, God calls Moses to an impossible task. He starts the conversation by showing him (and us) who he is, because trusting God starts with "Meeting God."
September 29: But Will You?
Exodus 4:1-17
At some point we have to make a decision. God calls us forward. Yes, it's the unknown. There are many reasons not to follow, self-doubt, fear of the unknown, feelings of inadequacy. We naturally ask ourselves if we can do it. Truth is, we can't do what God asks. In fact, in today's story we see that God is very aware of Moses' inadequacy. His question is not can you, "But, Will You?"
October 6: Get Moving
Exodus 4:18-31
It's the age old challenge. It's one thing to believe something can be done. It's another thing to commit yourself to do it. This is the challenge of faith. A lot of people believe in God, but trusting enough to obey and be part of what he is doing is more of a challenge. But it's the difference between having a little religion and a real relationship with God. This week Moses helps us confront our reticence and "Get Moving."
October 13: Discouragement
Exodus 5:1-6:12
It's hard to fault the Israelites for complaining. Moses was supposed to deliver them but he just made life harder. This is normal. There are forces with a vested interest in keeping you where you are and you have no real idea what the new life could be. It takes faith to trust the promise when the circumstances are difficult. This week we find the faith to face "Discouragement."
October 20: Drawing a Line, by Brax Carvette
Exodus 7:1-12:42 (11:7)
Faith in God is always a response. To this point in the story God has not shown his hand to the people. But now he does, and through 10 plagues he expresses his covenant love for his people and provides a profound way for them to identify as his. This week we see God "Drawing a Line" to be crossed by faith.
October 27: Baby Steps
Exodus 13:17-14:31
In some ways, faith is like a muscle that must be exercised to be strong. It is also like a skill to mastered with practice. The full experience of God's blessing requires great faith. God is faithful and he knows us. This week we see how God grows faith. It's "Baby Steps" from seeing what God can do to trusting what he can do through you.
November 3: Providence
Exodus 15:22-17:7
"But what have you done for me lately, God?" Easy to feel that way, isn't it? Past providence is easily forgotten in the current crisis. It's especially true when we can't see any way our need can be met. But God is patient and God provides. This week we learn to trust his "Providence."
November 10: A Way of Life
Exodus 19:1-20:21
Living by faith will make you different than those around you. That's what God wants. You see, living by faith is not just about what you do. It's about who you are. Even better, it's about whose you are. Like a healthy marriage the commitment to live together with God in the covenant changes the way you live. This week we see that faith in God is "A Way of Life."
November 17: Breaking Faith
Exodus 32:1-33:6
Today's story is one where it's easy to say, "What were they thinking, after all God has done for them?" That's what we always say with the benefit of hindsight. Truth is, it's easy to get distracted and find a substitute for a real relationship with God while keeping our religion. Why do we break faith? What does God do when we do? Is there any coming back from "Breaking Faith?"
November 24: Do the Hard Stuff
Numbers 13-14; Joshua 1
Even when you finally see the blessing and the unknown becomes known, faith is still required. Sometimes we can't picture ourselves in the place God promised. It seems too big, too hard, too difficult to attain. Yet it's what God promised. He's proven himself faithful. It's ours for the taking. Do we trust God enough to "Do the Hard Stuff?"
June 9 - September 1, 2024
Sermon Series: The Bigger Story
This summer we let the parables of Jesus lead us into God's bigger story.
It's popular to say that every day we are writing our story. Question: is the story you are writing big enough for you? Maybe it's as big as you can imagine or all you can handle. What if you didn't have to write it alone? What if there was a bigger story that your story is meant to be a part of? During His life on earth, Jesus told stories called parables. The purpose of them was to get us to see the bigger story. This summer we let the parables of Jesus lead us into God's bigger story.
June 9 – The Invitation
Luke 14:16-24 (Matthew 22:1-14)
Ya can't come to the party if ya don't know when or where it is. If that's true, what about the person who doesn't even know there is a party? God is getting ready to throw a party. It's a big part of the bigger story. His guest list is bigger than we know. This Annual Meeting Sunday we internalize Jesus' parable of the Banquet into the life of NorthRidge Fellowship.
June 16 – The Mission, by Paul Schoolmeesters
Luke 15
In any relationship, one person has things they care about more than the other. The same is true with our relationship with God. In that relationship we bring to Him many things we care about. In the bigger story there is something God cares about deeply and sacrificially. Jesus told three parables back to back to back to move us to open our hearts that we might share God's heart.
June 23 – Responding to God
Mathew 13:1-9; 18-23 (Mark 4:1-9, 13-20; Luke 8:4-8, 11-15)
People are complex. In the face of God's invitation into his bigger story we have a variety of responses. In this week's parable, Jesus prepares us for the reactions we will experience in ourselves and others as we encounter his good news. The parable of the Sower helps us sort out the various responses we all have to God.
June 30 – Trust the Process
Matthew 13:24-43; Mark 4:26-29 (Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18-19)
Sometimes we get impatient. Sometimes we want the victory now. But God is playing the long game. His bigger story is bigger than us and he knows exactly what he is doing. In this week's parables, Jesus uses seeds, weeds, and a little yeast to show us what God will do if we honor the process.
July 7 – Sold Out, by Gregg Tisor
Matthew 13:44-46
Is it worth it? Is it worth giving my life to be part of God's bigger story? And what does that look like if I do? In this week's parables, Jesus describes the value of being part of his story compared to anything we currently have and challenges us to pursue it.
July 14 – Uncomfortable Love, by Paul Schoolmeesters
Luke 10:29-37
Love is one of those things that is easier said than done. The temptation is to reduce it to some humanly manageable proportion that seems reasonable to us. But the bigger story requires a bigger love. In this week's parable, Jesus pushes the boundaries of comfort with a story of true love. Are we willing to go there?
July 21 – Non-Negotiable, by Brax Carvette
Matthew 18:21-35
Forgiveness is such a critical part of God's story. It makes God's bigger story bigger. In fact, you can't enter God's story without receiving it. Having received it, we tell the story by giving it. In this week's parable, Jesus talks about forgiveness. It's a non-negotiable.
July 28 – Necessary Grace
Matthew 20:1-16
Ever been upset because you didn't get something you felt you deserved? Ever been upset because you did? Justice is a two edged sword. God is just. But his story is bigger. Christ came to move us out of the realm of justice into something called grace. This week's parable is an invitation to live in necessary grace.
August 4 – The Crutch, by Paul Schoolmeesters
Luke 18:9-14
Can a human being really, truly touch the heart of God? This is the amazing part of God's bigger story. He wants that heart connection. As we begin our 21 Days of Prayer let's learn from Jesus' parable about two guys who come to God in prayer. This week, we are invited to touch the heart of God.
August 11 - The Secret Sauce
Luke 14:7-14
It's ironic how God's bigger story is lived most effectively by people who are okay with being small. Humility is the secret sauce of the kingdom of God. Humble people are free. This week's parable is a description of how humble people operate. Freed from the need of the affirmation of others, we can step more fully into God's story. As we enter week two of our 21 Days of Prayer, let us pray for this kind of attitude for our ministry together.
August 18 – Who's Listening?
by Dana Olson, Senior Pastor Faith Baptist Fellowship, Sioux Falls, SD
Author of "Praying the King's Agenda: 21 Days of Focused Prayer"
Luke 18:1-8
This week, we answer the call to the NorthRidge family to pray for the ministry season we are about to kick off in September. It is part of God's bigger story and I am asking you to pray like everything depends on it, because it does. But let's be honest, prayer doesn't always feel like it matters. In this week's parable, Jesus challenges us to keep praying by reminding us of who's listening.
August 25 – Ready, by Ben McEachern & Paul Schoolmeesters
Matthew 25:1-13 (Cp 24:45-47)
So, what's the plan? Some people think that if you are part of God's story you don't have to plan. Things just happen. This week, Jesus tells us a parable that says just the opposite. If you are part of His story you plan accordingly. You know you will see Him face to face and that causes great anticipation. So you plan ahead.
September 1 - Trustworthy
Matthew 25:14-30
It's such an honor when someone you love trusts you with something that matters to them. I find that very motivating and a joy. This week's parable is a reminder that the God we love has entrusted us with his stuff so we can be part of his bigger story. This week, come be inspired by the privilege and joy of our Father's trust.
February 4 - June 2, 2024
Sermon Series: Living Larger
A Study of Colossians
I've seen others do it and I've done it myself. What is 'it'? I talk myself into something less than what was possible; live smaller than I could have. I think something like this was on the Apostle Paul's mind when he wrote a letter to a church in the small town of Colossae. It’s a letter that begs the question, "Are we living as big as Jesus?" Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not this letter is a guide to what, why, and how we can "Live Larger" in Christ.
February 4 Living Larger, by Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
Colossians 1:1-2
Are you living large? Or are you just surviving? Maybe we choose survival over living as large as we could because we're afraid of what it will cost us to live that way. Maybe we try to live large, chasing dreams and stuff only to find that all of that is empty. But what if we could live as large as God's design for us? What if we could live as large as Jesus himself? What if living large is not only possible but simple? This week, we kick off our Live Larger series in Paul's letter to the Colossians with Jesus' invitation to a life of living larger.
February 11 Signs of Life
Colossians 1:3-8
What does it look like if your life is connected to Jesus? How does it show? We might be tempted to look for something spectacular. Actually, the signs are simple but profound. This week we look for the tell-tale signs that you just might be a Christ-follower.
February 18 The Tools We Need
Colossians 1:9-14
What kind of life are you building? Do you have the tools you need? It's hard to build a house without a hammer. The right tools matter. This week is about tools. The passage is a prayer, kind of like an Amazon order for the tools we need to live larger.
February 25 Jesus Lives Larger
by Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
Colossians 1:15-23
This is the most important week in this series. We are saying that if we know Jesus we will live larger. It really is all about Jesus. Our lives will be as large or small as we understand him to be. This week we see that Jesus lives larger.
March 3 A Larger Purpose
Colossians 1:24-29
What are you living for? Is it big enough for you? Jesus inspires us to live for something bigger. Today we meet a guy gripped by a vision of Jesus that is very large, living out a mission that is very large. While it may look different for different people, the principles are the same. This week we are inspired to live a larger purpose.
March 10 Loving Large
Colossians 2:1-5
I've seen times when two people go into the same situation where help is needed, they do the same thing, and one person's help is received with deep gratitude and other person's help with politeness. The difference? The quality of the love. Do we want something from people or do we want something for them? This week let's love larger.
March 17 Our Part, by Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
Colossians 2:6-8
Living larger is not a passive endeavor. Jesus has done all the heavy lifting but we have a responsibility in this as well. There are many obstacles to overcome. For those who would live this life there is one task: stay focused and don't let yourself be distracted. This week we focus on our part.
Sunday, March 24 - Palm Sunday
The Ultimate Leader, Colossians 2:9-12; John 12:12-16
Palm Sunday is about who's in charge. It really was Jesus exerting his authority in apparent weakness. The brute force of the Romans and the political intrigue of the Jewish authorities would only set the stage for us to figure out who really is our Lord and what happens when we submit to him. He alone has the authority to give us the freedom we need.
Thursday, March 28 - Last Supper
Committed to Us, Colossians 2:9-10a
"On the night he was betrayed…" It's a powerful moment when our Savior gathered his disciples to create a moment of focus that will be repeated until he comes again. Tonight we celebrate Our Lord's Supper, the symbol of Jesus sharing his life and bringing us to fullness.
*No Audio
Friday, March 29 - Good Friday
The Power on the Cross, Colossians 2:13-15
Jesus came to rescue not just the dying but to raise the dead - the ones with no hope. This Good Friday we explore the gravity of our situation without Jesus and the terrible, beautiful, powerful way he rescued us. Tonight we see the power on the cross.
Sunday, March 31 - Easter!
A New Horizon, Colossians 3:1; Ephesians 1:18-23
A larger life has a larger horizon. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead has opened up our eyes to a new horizon. It's a larger one. It's a life with a greater hope, a greater value and greater power. This Easter we lift up our eyes to see the "New Horizon" Jesus has given us.
April 7, 2024
Distractions, Colossians 2:16-19
by Mike Stella, NorthRidge Member
If Christianity is a religion, is it possible for religious practices to actually keep us from Christ? Rituals are comforting. "Deeper knowledge" can be intoxicating. They can seem like they are more when actually they are less. They are distractions from the larger life in Christ.
April 14, 2024
Exposing Legalism, Colossians 2:20-23
by Paul Schoolmeesters
This is a tough one. Next week we talk about how to live the larger life. But before we do the apostle has a dire warning: beware the seductive trap of legalism. It's an approach to the larger life that seems good but in the end can't deliver real transformation. This week we expose legalism.
April 21, 2024
With the End in Mind, Colossians 3:1-4
Jesus challenges us to be careful about where we set our hearts. If our heart is set on something our mind will be set there too. You won't find the larger life by looking around you. It's not here. Living the larger life means living with the end in mind.
April 28, 2024
Lifestyle Adjustments, Colossians 3:5-11
Jesus changes things. The old life is a little life centered around me, myself, and I. The larger life is larger because is centered on Jesus. This week we look at the practices of the little life and begin to make the lifestyle adjustments needed to actually live the larger life.
May 5, 2024
Transformed, Colossians 3:11-14
The larger life is different. In the first century, when this was written, the virtues described in today’s passage weren't necessarily seen as virtues. They were derided as weaknesses. Even today we are tempted to pick and choose and redefine them. But to authentically live them is the sign of real transformation.
May 12, 2024
Connected, Colossians 3:15-17
If there is a "how to" guide in the whole letter to the Colossians it's here in these three verses. The Christian life is not a list of rules as much as an approach. We follow the peace of Christ as we are saturated by the word of Christ that we might honor Christ. Living the larger life means living connected.
May 19, 2024
Livin' It, Colossians 3:18-4:1
We've been talking about living as large as Jesus but what does it look like in daily living? What will it look like at breakfast or during a project at work? Today's verses aren't as much commands as they are illustrations of how it looks when we are livin' it.
May 26, 2024
Impact, Colossians 4:2-6
The larger life looks to make an impact. From a foundation of prayer those who have been transformed by Christ engage the world with his gospel. This week we focus on how to make the impact Jesus desires.
June 2, 2024
Thank You for Living It! Colossians 4:7-18
It's Celebration Sunday. What a great day to wrap up our time in Colossians. This week we will use the role models that the apostle Paul celebrates in the Colossian church to celebrate and encourage those who have loved, served, and lived the larger life in Christ at NorthRidge. It's going to be an awesome day!
January 2024
Sermon Series: Matters of the Heart
Forming a Healthy Relationship with Money and Stuff
Ask the average person if they have enough money and they will say, "Nope." Ask them why and the answer is a little more vague. Many people never take the time to think about their relationship with their money and their stuff. When Jesus said, "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also," he was challenging us to think about it. So let's talk about it this month. We'll need to talk about issues like what we really worship, our fears, our focus and our plans. These are all Matters of the Heart.
January 7 A Matter of Worship
Matthew 6:19-24
Money and Stuff: they are neither good nor evil, they just are. And yet we put so much pressure on them to provide for our peace of mind and our measure of success. But what can they really do for us? A right relationship with money and stuff starts with clarity on who is our source and what is our resource. The key is who we worship. It's a matter of the heart.
January 14 A Matter of Faith
Matthew 6:21; Matthew 6:25-34; 1 Timothy 6:6-10
Last week we dug into God's command to serve him not money. This week we face the fear that would stop us. Why should we trust God and honor him in the way we use our finances. What if he asks us to do something crazy? Can God be trusted? The key is faith. It's a matter of the heart.
January 21 A Matter of Generosity, by Paul Schoolmeesters
Luke 12:13-21; Timothy 6:17-19
When do you have enough to be generous? How much do you need to make an impact for the Kingdom of God? There is a greater purpose for your money and stuff. Maybe, it's not about how much you have. Maybe, it's about what you do with what you have. The key is generosity. It's a matter of the heart.
January 28 A Matter of Obedience
Matthew 6:21 Proverbs 28:19; 21:5; 19:21; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
There's a proverb in the Bible that says, "Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." (Proverbs 19:21) I've heard people use this as an excuse not to plan. But what if the purposes of God are forming our plans? The key is obedience. It's a matter of the heart.
December 31, 2023
From Him, Through Him & To Him
Romans 11:33–12:1
by Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
New Year's parties are always so much fun! It's wonderful to get to celebrate together as we anticipate the new year. But the approach of another January can also bring with it reflection on the year that has passed as well as preparation for what is to come. This Sunday, we want to celebrate what God has done, reflect on what has passed, and prepare for what God will lead us into in 2024!
December 3-24, 2023
Sermon Series: The Everlasting Light
Into a world of darkness and despair comes a ray of light. Have you seen it? Have you experienced its transforming power? John 1 tells the story of Jesus, the Everlasting Light, who shines forth offering life and light to all who believe. Join us this Christmas season as we seek the Everlasting Light.
December 3 - Light Shines
John 1:1-5
by Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
The story of Christmas begins not with a manger, but before time began. From the dawn of creation, Jesus shines forth, overpowering the darkness and giving life to all creation.
December 10 - Light Spreads
John 1:6-8
by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
The coming of Jesus the Light is good news! God sends witnesses into the world so that all might believe.
December 17 - Light Invites
John 1:9-13
by Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
It isn't enough to just observe the Everlasting Light; we must receive it! And when we do, we're adopted and transformed to become God's children of light.
December 24 - Light Dwells
John 1:14
by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
"In thy dark streets shineth the Everlasting Light." The radiance of God's glory, Jesus dwelled in flesh, overflowing with grace and truth. And even now, He comes to dwell in the hearts and lives of all who believe.
November 5-26, 2023
Series Devotional - Part 2
Sermon Series: Flourishing Part 2
Living the Gospel
In part 2 of our Flourishing series, we look at four areas of social ethics addressed in the Bible and lived out by followers of Jesus with varying degrees of faithfulness over the last 2000 years. Sometimes the passions and politics of the day can become the filter through which we read our bible and not the other way around. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that these ethics are a meant to be an expression of the gospel. They inform the lifestyle of those who follow the one who said, "I have come that they might have life and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
November 5 - Loving Life
Psalm 139:13-16; Genesis 9:5-6 Proverbs 31:8-9
by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
God cares about people from the womb to the tomb. He knows and cares about our lives, and he calls us to share that concern for one another. Everyone matters to him. To love our neighbor is to care for them from womb to tomb. We discuss this first because it lays the groundwork for the rest of the series. In this sermon, we lean into what it means to live the gospel and seek the life and flourishing of all.
November 12 - Bringing the Harmony of Heaven
Revelation 5:9-10, 7:9-10; Ephesians 2:11-22; 2 Corinthians 5:15-21; Galatians 3:26-28
By Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
Human nature is to gravitate toward people who look like us and to tend to think that our cultural way of doing things is best. It's easy to develop an "us versus them" attitude without even realizing it. But what our broken humanity produces is different than the flourishing God desires. From Abraham, to the cross, to the Great Commission, to the throne room of heaven, we see God's heart for the nations and the vision for His people to cultivate this unity even now. The world may seek cultural diversity, but through the cross we have a greater means and motivation for making racial harmony a reality.
November 19 - Loving the Poor and Marginalized
John 12:4-8; Leviticus 23:22; Proverbs 14:31; 31:8-9; Ezekiel 16:49; Matthew 25:31-46; Galatians 2:10; Ephesians 4:28
by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
God is so clear about his passionate concern for the poor. We see it in the law he gave Moses and the judgment he declared on the nations through his prophets. There are many reasons people are poor, some physical, some social, some economic, some systemic, some educational and the list goes on. But one thing he is clear on, his people will be known for how they care for the poor and marginalized. In that care, we live the gospel of his love and demonstrate God's heart for our flourishing.
November 26 - Honoring God with your Body
1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Matthew 19:4-12; Hebrews 4:14-5:2; 1 Timothy 5:1-2; Leviticus 18;
1 Corinthians 7:1-9
By Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
Christ-followers live by a different sexual ethic than the world around them. We limit sexual intimacy to marriage and that between a man and a woman. Why would we want to do that? Is it worth it? And, if you’re not married what do you do instead? This is a tough one but an important part of living the gospel. It’s a part of walking into the flourishing God desires.
October 1 - 29, 2023
Series Devotional - Part 1
Sermon Series: Flourishing Part 1
Laying the Foundation
There's a perception by many that Christianity is irrelevant, an ancient myth to be discarded. Others would go farther and say it's actually harmful and oppressive. They see it as something that limits human flourishing. But is it? Is it possible that following Jesus is not only true but actually better? Join us this fall as we examine some of our post-modern cultural assumptions and questions in the light of what the Bible says. And maybe, just maybe we will meet a God who desires our "Flourishing".
October 1 - A Vision for Flourishing
Ecclesiastes 2; Ecclesiastes 7:2; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Hebrews 2:14-17
by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
"I don't need God or religion." Some believe this passionately. This world is all there is. God probably doesn't exist so relax and enjoy life. But will believing this really lead to our flourishing? What happens when we jettison any idea of the eternal and just live like this world is all there is? Is purpose and meaning just something we find for ourselves? Or are we part of a bigger story? What if our horizon is bigger than we ever imagined? Do we have a "Vision for Flourishing"?
October 8 - The Truth about Flourising
Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 8: 28-30; John 10:10; John 8: 31-36
By Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
"You have to be true to yourself." We say it and it sounds so… well… true. Isn't that the most important thing? Isn't that flourishing? The practical side is, that if that is true, then what's true to you is the ultimate source of truth for you. How does that work for 8 billion of us to flourish? What if truth is found outside me? What if, in fact, I find myself best in finding that truth in someone who said, "I am the truth." Could Jesus be "The Truth About flourishing"?
October 15 - A Picture of Flourishing
Matthew 5:3-12
By Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
"The ultimate goal of life is my happiness." Let's be honest. Sometimes following Jesus gets in the way of what I want. Actually, sometimes living with you gets in the way of what I want. Can I still be happy? Do you know how to find happiness in a hard world? What if the happiness you crave is something deeper than circumstance or self-expression? What if there is someone who can help you flourish in circumstances you never thought possible? What if there is "A Different Picture of Flourishing"?
October 22 - The Path Toward Flourishing
John 14:6; Matthew 28:18-20; 1 Corinthians 6:7-11; Colossians 3:11 (cp v.5-11)
By Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
"You can be spiritual but don't say you have the only way or try to influence others." After all, in such a diverse world, how can anyone be so arrogant and intolerant to claim they are right? Am I right?? Of course I am! Wait a minute… that's not consistent is it? I guess the way is narrow after all. The question I have is "Which of the narrow ways is the most inclusive and tolerant?" That is "The Path Toward Flourishing".
October 29 - The Faith to Flourish
Hebrews 11:1-3; Psalm 19:1-6; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8
By Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
"We have progressed beyond faith and myth to reasons and science". Is science really all we need? Is faith no longer needed? Are miracles myths? Is science really the enemy of faith and vice versa? Can they coexist? Might both contribute to our flourishing? With all the blessings of science and reason, do we have "The Faith to Flourish"?
September 10-24, 2023
Sermon Series: The Art of Neighboring
Are our neighborhoods great places to live? Could they be better? How connected are we to those who live around us? I believe we have the power to make our communities great places to live. Are you interested? The key is simple faith and obedience to one simple command. Jesus people love their neighbors. I believe it is God's will that we be "Good Neighbors".
September 10 - Who is my Neighbor?
Luke 10:24-37; Galatians 5:14, Acts 17:26-27
by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
Who is my neighbor? That's a good question that can be answered a couple different ways. One is abstract and encompasses all humanity… Very noble… and overwhelming. The other is very concrete. Who lives in the house next to you? When Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor which did he have in mind? This week we ask ourselves, what if Jesus had a very concrete answer in mind for you and me?
September 17 - Here for Good
Jeremiah 29:7; Luke 10:5; Matthew 5:14-16
By Paul Schoolmeesters, Executive Teaching Pastor
You are a blessing to your neighborhood. Right now! You are a bottle of God's blessing that he wants to pour out for the good, the flourishing of our city. The truth is, people who truly love their neighbors as Jesus loved them, make the place they live a better place whether our neighbors ever come to believe what we believe or not. This week we learn what it means that we are 'Here for Good.'
September 24 - Breaking Barriers
Psalm 90:12; Luke 8:40-56; 10:38-42; Luke 18:15-17;
Luke 18:35-43 (38-41); 1 Peter 3:13-16
By Ben McEachern
It's been said that good fences make good neighbors but I am not so sure. My neighbor's fence does keep the dog in their yard. But it also creates a barrier. There are other barriers that are invisible because they are internal. This week we crawl over the two biggest barriers inside us so we can be Good Neighbors.
June 25-September 3, 2023
Sermon Series: Rise Up
Taking Our Place in God's Unfolding Story
"Take up your cross and follow me." He said, and then he did it. He took up his cross. He did the thing only he could do and hope and salvation have come into the world. Now he calls us to be more than passive recipients of that grace. The story is still being written and we all have a part to play. But what does it look like for us? This summer we will be looking at the lives of some of the people God has used down through the ages. Our hope is that together we will be encouraged and equipped to "Rise Up" and take our place in God's unfolding story. Why? Because God wants to work with us and through us so that people might meet know and follow Jesus.
June 25 - Childlike Faith
2 Kings 5; Matthew 18:1-4
by Ben McEachern
I'll admit it. I like the stories where the heroes are… well…heroic. Even when it comes to following Jesus I can write some heroic stories for myself in my head. But it's not as much about being heroic as it is about faith. When we Rise Up to follow Jesus, the truly heroic things come out of childlike faith. So, we kick of this series with the story of a little girl with childlike faith.
July 2 - Excuses, Excuses or No Excuses
Exodus 3
by Brax Carvette
There's always a reason not to Rise Up and take our place. There is always a reason this command or that one doesn't apply to me. But at what point do reasons become excuses? We all wrestle with it, even the great ones. This week we see that if we are called, then we are equipped so that there are "No Excuses."
July 9 - Who Do You Serve?
Exodus 1:6-22
by Paul Schoolmeesters
We all have a role to play in God's story. But sometimes, outside forces can seek to intimidate us. Who will we fear? This week we look at the story of two women who rose up in a crucial moment for the Hebrew community. This week they show us the importance of a clear answer to the question, "Who do you serve?"
July 16 - The Epaphroditus Effect
Philippians 2:25-30
by Paul Schoolmeesters
Do you ever feel like more of a minor character in God's story? While the famous characters in Scripture tend to catch our attention, the Bible tells stories of seemingly ordinary people that Rise Up to move God's work forward. This week we see how a little-known man named Epaphroditus impacts an apostle and an entire church.
July 23 - Redeeming Eve
Genesis 3
By Brax Carvette
We often get an idea of who Eve was from our culture or from growing up in the church. What's our picture of her? She's the one to blame for all the sin and suffering in this world. If she just hadn't listened to the snake, none of this would have happened. Maybe you see yourself in her. Maybe you feel like you can be blamed for just about everything wrong with this world. But the Bible gives a very different picture of Eve. This week, we look at her story to discover how we can "rise up" and take our place in God's story.
July 30 - Agents of Grace
Hosea 1-3
By Ben McEachern
It's not a pleasant story. Honestly, I'm not sure it's PG-13. But God calls us to Rise Up and be his representative in the battle for people's souls. It's a messy place where messy lives meet necessary grace. We are called to be agents of that grace. This week we learn from God's unique call for Hosea how to be Agents of Grace.
August 6 - Step Up
Luke 8:1-3; Luke 23:55-24:12
by Ben McEachern
When Jesus touches our lives we can't help but Rise Up and get involved. There are many practical ways to do so, but we have to be able to see them. This week we learn from a group of women changed by Jesus who saw their place and stepped up.
August 13 - A Nephew to the Rescue
Acts 23:12-22
by Paul Schoolmeesters
Death threats and persecution were commonplace for the Apostle Paul. But did you know the Apostle Paul had a nephew who saved him from an ambush? This week we look at the story of how this young boy's courage and savvy saves Paul's life and gives him the opportunity to preach before kings, governors, sailors, centurions, and people in cities throughout the Mediterranean Sea.
August 20 - For Such a Time as This
Esther 4:12-17; Matthew 16:21-27
by Ben McEachern
We don't follow Jesus alone. And it's not all about us. When we respond to God's call to Rise Up he puts us in places of responsibility. He puts us in places to make a difference, especially for when things get hard. Sometimes there is a moment. The goal this week is that we will be ready for our moment.
August 27 - Ballast
Acts 18; Romans 16:3-5
by Ben McEachern
Sailboats require a thing called ballast. It's the weight in the bottom of the boat that keeps it from tipping over and makes it possible for the wind to move the boat forward. In ancient times they used rocks. This week we learn from a married couple named Priscilla and Aquilla how to Rise Up and be rocks.
September 3 - The Bigger Story
Genesis 50:15-21
by Mike Stella
To Rise up and take our place in God's unfolding story is to live our lives as part of a story that it much bigger than us. Today we wrap up this series looking at the life of a man who lived the bigger story. He's a man who endured hatred, injustice and apathy and in the end was used powerfully by God. May we all live with such faith.
June 4-18, 2023
Sermon Series: All In
Pursuing Jesus' Call Together
Is Jesus worthy of us going all in? What does it look like to be so confident in Jesus that we would go all in… all of us together? The bible tells us he has a "call" on our lives, a purpose that matters for eternity. This June we will examine three core truths that propel us to be All In: Pursuing Jesus' call together.
June 4 - We Are
Ephesians 4:1-6
This week is Celebration Sunday. It is a day to look back and see what Jesus has done in and through us as we have followed him together. It is a day to encourage one another and build each other up. It is a day to celebrate the unity he has created. Core to being all in with Jesus is confidence in this truth of our oneness because of him. This week let's celebrate what "We Are."
June 11 - We Can
Ephesians 4:7-13
This week is Annual Meeting Sunday. It is a day to look ahead to look ahead in anticipation and come together to pursue Jesus' call for us as church. And it would be intimidating except for this core truth, Jesus equips us for what he has called us to do. This week as you listen vision talks, and goals and budgets remember, because of Jesus… "We Can!"
June 18 - We Will
Ephesians 4:14-16
by Paul Schoolmeesters
The call that Jesus has for us as his church is to do the ministry he would do if he were here in the flesh and represent him well. That's why we are called "the body of Christ." It's a call to bring his love, redemption and salvation to a sin-sick world. It's a struggle. There's opposition. But we can overcome. We can be confident that by his grace… "We will!"
April 16-May 28, 2023
Sermon Series: Perseverance
Everything of value we will do in this life requires perseverance to accomplish. Success in life requires persistent, consistent effort over time. When it comes to following Jesus it should be no surprise that perseverance is needed. For sure, there are trials to face and obstacles to overcome but is the perseverance worth the persevering? The answer is yes. Not just for the goal, but for the journey itself. For the next 7 weeks we are going to paint a picture of perseverance as a follower of Jesus.
April 16 - Persevere like the Son
Hebrews 12:1-12
Perseverance has a goal. Nobody stays in the game if they lose the point. As followers of Jesus we are running a race that not only has a goal worth suffering for; it has a model to follow. But it will require a certain mindset. This week we learn to "Persevere Like the Son".
April 23 - Persevere in Joy
Guest Preacher - Gabe Brennan (Pastor of Future City Church)
Hebrews 12:1-12
Joy is not optional for the believer in Jesus. It is essential. Without it, passion for Jesus and love for people fizzles, sputters and fades. So how do we get joy and keep joy? Jesus gave us the example to follow as someone who experienced joy even in the darkest and bleakest event of human history: His own death on the cross. This week, we will explore joy as the fuel we need to run the race set out for us.
April 30 - Persevere in Hope
1 Peter 1:3-9; Romans 5: 1-5; Psalm 33:16-22; Lamentation 3:19-26
The way things are is not the way they always will be. Perseverance remembers that. It keeps going toward the goal even when that goal is not in sight. But it's easy to get discouraged in the middle of it all. The antidote is hope. This week we learn how to "Persevere in Hope."
May 7 - Persevere in Grief
Matthew 5:4; John 11:35; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7;Revelation 21:1-7
We will overcome… someday. But in the meantime this life is full of grief and loss. There are the four D's of death, disease, disappointment and divorce that cause grief. A feeling of loss can hit us in ways we never expected. To persevere is to know what to do with grief, to be able to deal with it in real time, to know where to go for comfort. This week we learn how to lean into Jesus and find comfort.
May 14 - Persevere in Love
Corinthians 13:6-8, 13; 2 Peter 1:3-8; Colossians 3:12-14; Matthew 5:43-48
Love, Jesus is pretty clear. It's the most important thing. It was the reason he came. It is the reason we are still here. But it's so hard. The world is so unloving, toxic, dysfunctional. And that's the point, perseverance for a Christ-follower is perseverance in love. To lose love is to lose the soul of Christianity. This Mother's Day we "Persevere in Love".
May 21 - Persevere in Anxiety, by Mike Stella
1 Peter 5:6-11; Phil 4:6-7; Isaiah 41:10; 2 Corinthians 1:8-11; 4:7-10
There are many reasons to quit. Doubts, discouragement, negative self-talk, the list goes on and on. But there is one enemy that out does them all. That enemy is Fear. Its most common form is anxiety, that feeling of dread, that sense of impending doom. Those who persevere know it and know how to face it. This week we face fear and "Persevere in Anxiety."
May 28 - Persevere in Holiness, by Paul Schoolmeesters
Titus 2:11-14; 1 Peter 1:14-16; 2:9-12
The problem with perseverance is that it takes so long. I don't know about you but it's hard to stay focused over the long haul. It's easy to wander, cut corners, take a break and never quite return. But we are called. "a holy nation", people set apart for the display of our Father's glory. This week we "Persevere in Holiness."
Holy Week & Easter April 2-9, 2023
Sermon Series: Because of Jesus
It's Holy Week, a week Christians all over the world, stop, reflect and connect personally with what Jesus did 2000 years ago. This year we invite you to join us no matter where you are on the spiritual journey. Come, explore, ask questions, walk with us as we respond to the invitation, connection, reconciliations, release and restoration of Jesus. See what God has for you "Because of Jesus."
Sunday, April 2 - Palm Sunday
You are Invited
Luke 19:28-48
It is so easy to exclude ourselves from God's grace. It is so easy to assume that something done by Jesus 2000 years ago has no relevance to me. This week is Palm Sunday. The purpose of Palm Sunday is to dispel all such notions from our heads and our hearts. It seems that Jesus has a different idea. This week we want you to seriously consider not just that everyone is invited, but that Because of Jesus, you are invited.
Thursday, April 6 - Last Supper 7:00pm
You are Connected
John 17:20-23
Fellowship, acceptance, connection, these are the things every human soul longs for. This is what Jesus offers. On the night he was betrayed he gathered his disciples, took some bread and wine and prepared them to understand what he would do on the cross. Then he prayed for the impact it would have. "Because of Jesus you are connected". We celebrate that this night.
Friday, April 7 - Good Friday 5:30 & 7:00pm
You are Reconciled
Romans 6:5-7
Jesus died for our sin to be forgiven. That truth is amazing but not enough for God. His death did more than just earn our forgiveness, it truly restores the relationship with God. How? What if he not only earned our forgiveness but actually broke the power of sin over us? What if we are not just forgiven for sin but given freedom? Something powerful happens when by faith we are united with him in his death. "Because of Jesus you are reconciled."
Sunday, April 9 - Sunrise Service 6:30am
You are Released
1 Corinthians 15:50-57
The grave is open! The grave is empty! Death is not final. There is a resurrection into something greater than we can ever imagine. We are united with him in a resurrection like his. That has implications not just for now but for eternity. When Jesus rose your grave was opened too. Because of Jesus you are released.
Sunday, April 9 - Easter Services 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45am
You are Restored
Romans 6:8-10
Because of sin everyone is broken. How can we be restored? If sin's power over us is broken through faith in Jesus' death, what can happen because of his life? The resurrection of Jesus from the dead opens the door to a new life, a restored life. Will you walk through it? This Easter we see that "Because of Jesus you are restored!"
January - March 2023
Mission Driven Acts Continues
Every one of us gives our lives to something or someone. We were made for a mission. The only question is whether that mission is worthy of us. The same Jesus that died and rose from the dead for us wants to accomplish his life-giving mission through us. It's a mission that's small enough that each of us play a part and big enough that it will require all of us working together. Join us as we walk with the early disciples through the book of Acts and see what God can do with a few people who are "Mission Driven".
February 19, 2023
The Spiritual Battle
Act 19
In our day, we like to make a nice neat line between the physical and spiritual. But in reality, the line is pretty blurry. At the heart of the story of Acts, the story of the expansion of the church, is a spiritual battle that plays itself out in the arena of the physical world. This week we learn how to fight the "Spiritual Battle" in the physical world.
February 26, 2023
Pick Up The Cross
Act 20
There comes a time when the next generation has to step up. A good work had begun but the guy who started it was coming to the end of his work and he knew it. The churches he started would have to grow up and go on with out him. This week we follow the Apostle Paul on his farewell tour and learn what it means to "Pick up the Cross" of responsibility for the church.
March 5, 2023
Clarity and Courage
Act 21:1-23:11
He knew what would happen and he did it anyway. There are times it is clear that following Jesus will lead to suffering. That is what happened here. And yet Paul was convinced he was called to it. This week the Apostle shows us how to walk into suffering for the sake of the gospel and how to do it with "Clarity and Courage".
March 12, 2023
The Waiting Game
Act 23:12-26:32
Ever felt put on the shelf? Ever asked yourself, "Why does God have me here?" How do you move forward when your life is on hold? For the Apostle Paul, it all was moving so fast, and then it ground to a halt. Two years in prison and yet he was ready with the gospel every time he was called on. This week Paul shows us how to play "The Waiting Game."
March 19, 2023
The Influence of a Godly Person
Act 27:1-28:10
How we conduct ourselves in adversity tells us and all around us everything we need to know about the reality of Christ in us. It also forms the basis of our influence for Christ. In today's story, the Apostle Paul gives us a lesson on spiritual leadership. This week we learn how to walk through adversity and be used of God to bring the gospel and hope in hard times.
March 26, 2023
The Ongoing Story
Act 28:11-31
What a strange story. Here we are 28 chapters into this story and it doesn't really end. Where is the nice neat conclusion? Where is "happily ever after"? What is more, it's more of the same. It's the same story that was told in a dozen towns in earlier chapters. Hmm, maybe we should pay attention to what's repeated. God's not done, we are part of his "On Going Story".
January 8, 2023
The Lord of the Process
Acts 12
Here we are, kicking off a new year. What's going to happen? I don't know, but when we follow Jesus we are not victims of the arbitrary winds of fate or even the powers that be. Whether we make sense of it or not Jesus is the "Lord of the Process". This week we restart our exploration of the book of Acts and what it means to be people who are mission driven.
January 15, 2023
Intentionality (Guest Speaker - Skip Hansen)
Acts 13-14
Nothing happens by magic, least of all the spread of the Gospel. God is very intentional in what he is doing and he calls us to join him. Some support those who are sent out while staying to spread the good news locally. Others are sent by God, and the local church, to spread the good news to new places and people. This week we get a picture of what it looks like to spread the gospel with "Intentionality".
January 22, 2023
Free the Gospel
Acts 15:1-35
What changes when someone comes to Christ? What is expected of their lifestyle, cultural expression and theological understanding? What is essential and what is just cultural? The early church faced this one head on. The unity of the church was at stake. This week we learn how to draw lines in the right places to "Free the Gospel" to reach more people.
January 29, 2023
Following Forward
Acts 15:36-16:40
The past is comfortable because it's done and we know it. Unfortunately, where God is leading and where the Gospel is going, is in the unknown present and future. But we tend to prefer the familiar. Paul and Barnabas thought they would retrace what they did before. But God was calling them each forward. This week we learn to grasp what God is doing now and "Follow Forward".
February 5, 2023
Call and Response, by Brax Carvette
Act 17
The good news can't be canned. Different places and different people call for different approaches and will have differing responses. Do we see the people we are reaching? Are we ready to respond to their particular situation to reach them and help them grow. This week we learn the secret of "Call and Response".
February 12, 2023
Time and Team
Act 18
Sometimes it just takes time to have the impact God wants. What is more is also takes a team. We do well to remember that. In today's text, Corinth is a hard place but it's not all up to one person. God is at work. This week we see the power of "Time and Team" in accomplishing what God is calling us to do.
January 1, 2023
Wisdom is Better Than Resolutions
Challenge - Read a chapter of Proverbs a day for the month of January
A while back a friend prayed for me. He said, "Father, give Ben wisdom and not just an opinion." I thought, "Wow! I need to keep praying that." That is the spirit with which we want to approach 2023. To that end, on New Year's Day 2023, we will be having an open mic time in the service. But it will call for preparation from you. Here is what we want you to do:
January 1, 2023
Wisdom is Better Than Resolutions
The Book of Proverbs
A while back a friend prayed for me. He said, "Father, give Ben wisdom and not just an opinion." I thought, "Wow! I need to keep praying that." That is the spirit with which we want to approach 2023. To that end, on New Year's Day 2023, we will be having an open mic time in the service.
True Christmas
Something cool happens when we get together to give each other gifts. A family
gathered around a Christmas tree trying to give the perfect gift, or friends at a white
elephant party trying to give the worst gift. It’s not about merely exchanging gifts,
it’s about giving and receiving. It’s about relationship. “True Christmas” is a season
we celebrate with God. It’s a relationship of giving and receiving.
December 11, 2022
What's in the Box?
Luke 2:10-14
My favorite line at a Christmas gift opening, "Thank you so much… what is it?" Yup, some gifts need to be explained. When God the Father put God the Son in the manger it needed some explanation. Words like 'Savior', 'Messiah' and 'Lord' need explaining. This week the angel tells us "What's in the Box".
December 18, 2022
Blown Awayecember 18 - Blown Away
Luke 2:10-14; Deuteronomy 6:5; Colossians 1:15-22
Sometimes it's hard to grasp the significance of a gift and what the giver is trying to say. Sometimes we don't want the gift to be as significant or extravagant as it is because of the response it calls for. Sometimes that is exactly what we have been waiting for, a gift that tells us we are loved that much. This week the angel calls for our response to who God is and what the birth of Christ says to us.
December 24, 2022
What God Wants for Christmas
Luke 2:10-14; Romans 8:1-10; Philippians 4:6-9; Matthew 5:9
So, what are you getting God for Christmas? What does he want? It's simple, he wants us to share with him what he gives to us, namely a thing called 'peace on earth'. He wants us to be at peace with him, at peace with ourselves and at peace with others. This Christmas Eve let's get our hearts right and give God what he wants for Christmas.
December 25, 2022
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
Luke 2:10-14; Ephesians 1:3-14
There are some gifts that are just for that moment and they are enjoyed then gone… Like chocolate. Some gifts are sentimental and go on the shelf for a period of time. But other gifts just keep on giving. God's gift is such a gift. It is an expression of his favor, his desire to bless not just for a moment but for the long haul. This week we see that "his favor rests" on those who receive him.
Mission Driven Acts
Every one of us gives our lives to something or someone. We were made for a mission. The only question is whether that mission is worthy of us. The same Jesus that died and rose from the dead for us wants to accomplish his life-giving mission through us. It's a mission that's small enough that each of us play a part and big enough that it will require all of us working together. Join us as we walk with the early disciples through the book of Acts and see what God can do with a few people who are "Mission Driven".
October 9, 2022
Preparing for Impact, Pastor Ben McEachern
Acts 1:1-26
There is an old saying that says, "Well begun is half done." I believe it's true. Preparation is critical to success. But it's easy to become impatient. What are the critical elements of preparation? This week we learn the essentials as we "Prepare for Impact".
October 16, 2022
Simple Church
Acts 2:1-47
When it comes to doing Jesus' mission, it's not always easy but it is simple. In it's very first moments the MO (modus operandi) of the mission was established. It really has not changed. So let's not complicate it. This week we keep it "Simple Church".
October 23, 2022
Love and Consequences, Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
Acts 3:1-4:31
Crazy that an act of love can be a source of conflict, but it can if the implications feel like a threat to someone's status quo. People on Jesus' mission are called to love in his name in spite of the consequences. This week see what it looks like to love and live with the consequences.
October 30, 2022
Keep it Real, Pastor Ben McEachern
Acts 4:32-5:11
It was a dynamic time in the early church. Everything was fresh and new. Life together was sweet. Love was sincere and sacrificial… and then it wasn't. The quality of our community is a critical part of our mission. This week we are challenged to "Keep it Real".
November 6, 2022
Distractions, Pastor Ben McEachern
Acts 5:12-6:7
It's amazing how easy it is to get distracted from what we really need to be doing. Success can go to our heads, opposition can put us into either fight or flight mode and sometimes it's all we can do just to keep our house picked up. This week the Apostles show us how to deal with "Distractions".
November 13, 2022
A Faithful Witness, Pastor Ben McEachern
Acts 6:8-7:60
To be on mission with Jesus is to be a witness for him. That will require certain things of us. While not everyone has the same platform for witness the principles are the same. This week we look at a man with a very public platform and learn how to be "A Faithful Witness".
November 20, 2022
Opportunities in Opposition, Pastor Ben McEachern
Acts 8:1-40
It was a dark time for the church. Persecution was intense and they ran; but they did not hide. What was meant to squelch Jesus' mission only served to spread it. This week we learn how to follow the Holy Spirit and take advantage of the "Opportunities in Opposition"
November 27, 2022
Blindsided by Jesus, Mike Stella, NorthRidge Member
Acts 9:1-31 (Romans 8:28-30)
We come to Jesus because he calls us to come. That calling involves more than just going to heaven. He calls us with a purpose in mind. We have a role to play. We see this in today's passage. Paul was not just called to believe something but to do something. This week we are "Blindsided by Jesus".
December 4, 2022
No Favorites, Pastor Ben McEachern
Acts 9:32 - 11:30
Sometimes the biggest barrier to fully engaging Jesus' mission is in us. Sometimes we just can't see how our cultural biases and presuppositions get in the way of what God is doing. But God is patient and persistent. This week, as we watch Jesus open the eyes of the Jewish church, may we be open to him opening ours, because our God has "No Favorites".
Give Life
We all want to be part of a community that is healthy and life giving. Life giving communities are made up of life giving people. Jesus said rivers of living water would flow from people who believe in him. What would that community be like? What are the qualities of a life giving community? Join us this September as we grow as a community that can "Give Life"!
September 11, 2022 – Life Giving Love
Romans 12:9-10
In life giving communities people love, genuinely and sincerely. But authentic love takes effort. You have to pay attention to what's inside you. It's easy to get distracted and even deceive yourself. This week we set our hearts and minds on maintaining and growing the Sincere Love that will make us a life giving community.
September 18, 2022 – Life Giving Focus
Romans 12:11-12
Communities form for a variety of reasons, some good, some bad and some just because of geography. But a life giving community has a life giving focus. It has a purpose and a goal greater than itself. Jesus has invited us into his community not just for us to get life but to share his life. This week we wet our hearts and minds on His life giving focus.
September 25, 2022 – Life Giving Actions
Romans 12:13-15
Life giving communities are made up of people who are ready to bless. You might say they are on the lookout for opportunities and ways to do the most good to the most people and they are most indiscriminate. Sometimes they even bless people who don't deserve it. This week we learn how Jesus equips us to bring the blessing with life giving actions.
October 2, 2022 – Life Giving Grace
Romans 12:16-21
Life giving communities are made up of people who understand their need for grace and are willing to give others the grace they need. This grace opens the door for harmony and peace. Jesus' community is made up of people who have received such grace. This week Jesus will show us how not to be jerks and what to do when people are jerks to us.
Who Is God? Knowing Him By Name
Who is God anyway? What's he like? How can I know him? Over the centuries God himself has sought to reveal that answer to us. And he has done it is a most personal way. This summer we will be meeting God through the names given to him in the Bible. Some names he has given himself, others were given to him in response to an experience. All the names are an invitation to meet and know him as he is, to know him by name.
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
June 19 - I AM Abba Father (Daddy)
Psalm 103:13, Matthew 6:9, Romans 8:12-17, 2 Corinthians 6:18
Jesus mentions God as Father over 200 times in the Gospels and Acts, which was by far more than any other name. But he doesn’t stop there. In Matthew 6 Jesus tells us when we pray we are to say “Our Father” when referencing the most high. This week we will look at the impact the name Abba Father has in our lives.
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
June 26 - I AM El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty)
Genesis 17:1; 28:3; 35:11; 43:14; 48:3
There is a saying that goes “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” Repeatedly throughout Genesis, God not only says He is El Shaddai, He shows us. This week we will explore the truth that our God is El Shaddai, and how embracing this name can change the trajectory of our lives.
Brax Carvette
Youth Minister
July 3 - I AM El Olam (The Everlasting God)
Psalm 90:1-2, Ephesians 3:8
As we thank and ask God to bless our land, we also understand, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever” (Isaiah 40:8). This country is not our everlasting home nor was it ever intended to be. This means our citizenship is in Heaven first, and we are sustained by the Everlasting God. As we gaze on the name EL Olam let us be encouraged to know what we do for the kingdom on earth matters for eternity, because we serve an Everlasting God.
Brax Carvette
Youth Minister
July 10 - I AM Yahweh (Lord)
Exodus 3:12-15, Deuteronomy 4:35
This is my name (Yahweh) forever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations (Exodus 3:15). When God called himself Yahweh (LORD) he wasn’t saying it in a general or generic term lord. No, he was declaring I am LORD (all caps). So every time we hear the word Yahweh, or every time you see LORD in the English Bible, you should think: this is a proper name (like Peter or John) built out of the word for “I am” and reminding us each time that God absolutely is. God absolutely is LORD, in every sense of the word!
Gregg Tisor
Adult Minister
July 17 - I AM Jehovah-Raah (The Lord is my Shepherd)
Psalm 23; Luke 15:1-7
The name Jehovah-Raah in the Septuagint-Raah literally translates, “The Lord shepherds me.” What does it mean to be a shepherd? Or what does one’s life look like when it being shepherded? This week we will look at the most famous Psalm in the Bible and all the implications of having Jehovah-Raah Shepherd in our lives.
Mike Stella
NorthRidge Member
July 24 - I AM Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord will Provide)
Genesis 22:14
In this chapter Isaac asked his father, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?” And Abraham responds, “God himself will provide the lamb for the offering my son.” Have you ever found yourself in Isaac’s position? In a position that doesn’t make sense, a position that is beyond your control? A position that appears hopeless? If so then you have come to the right place. This week we are going to explore how the same Jehovah Jireh that provided a burnt offering (ram) for Abraham will provide for you as well.
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
July 31 - I AM Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord our Righteousness)
Jeremiah 23:1-6; Romans 3:20-26
So much of the turmoil and conflict of the human race over the ages has come from this one question, "What is right, good, just and fair?" Sometimes the conflict has come because one party has ignored what is right. Other times conflict has come because we disagree over what is right or we fight over what is in our best interest. But what if the question is not "What is right?" But "Who is righteous?" What if we were to let him lead? This week we meet God by the name "The Lord our Righteousness."
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
August 7 - I Am Jehovah Rapha (The Lord that Heals)
Exodus 15:26; Jeremiah 30:17
If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that our bodies are fractured vessels. And not just in a physical manner but also emotionally, and spiritually. Our lives are constantly under attack. Under attack spiritually, emotionally, and physically from outside forces and from our own flesh. But we don’t serve a God who leaves us as orphans to wallow in our pain; no, we serve a Jehovah Rapha ( A Lord that Heals). This week let us come and rest in this God who heals our past, present and future brokenness.
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
August 14 - I Am Qanna (Jealous)
Exodus 20:5; Deuteronomy 4:24; 6:15
The word jealous in our culture has mostly negative connotations. To say someone is jealous implies there is something wrong or missing in that person or that there’s some deficiency in that person that is causing them to feel or act in an undesirable manner. However, when God says he is Qaanna (Jealous) he can’t be referring to some deficiency in his life, so why does he refer to himself in that manner? Is there another side to this coin? Maybe even a positive and beneficial side? This week we are going to unpack the blessing of having a God who is jealous!
Mike Stella
NorthRidge Member
August 21 - I Am Jehovah Shalom (The Lord is Peace)
Isaiah 9:6; Judges 6:24
The word Shalom (Peace) is one of the most important words/concepts in all the Bible. In fact it is the first word that Jesus says to his disciples after His resurrection, “Shalom to you” (John 2:36). Yet despite its importance, it is the hardest thing to ever accomplish. Having Shalom in our world, country, church, homes and personal life feels impossible, yet we are called to pursue it. We are called to pursue Shalom, because in doing so we will meet Jehovah Shalom.
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
August 28 - I Am Immanual (God with Us)
Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23; John 14:18
Over the past 3 months we have haven been unpacking the essence of God by studying His names. We have seen there is more to a name that just legal identification. A name reflects who we are and what we are made of. The very nature, character, and heart of God are reflected in His names. For our final week we will see that this God isn’t a distant, absent, abstract being who is forever beyond our reach. No, this God is Immanuel (with us) in every meaning of the word!
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
September 4 - Who is God: Series Review
Over the last 11 weeks we have gotten to know God by the names he has either taken for himself or people have given him based on their experience. There has been a lot of information. We think a time of review, reflection and worship is in order. This weekend we will wrap up the series and remember what we learned about who God is and celebrate the fact that this amazing God wants to be with us.
JUNE 12 - A Well Called NorthRidge
A Well Called NorthRidge, by Ben McEachern
John 7: 37-39, John 4: 13-14, Isaiah 43:18-19
Jesus said the effect of putting your faith in him is like having a spring of living water flowing in us and from us. As we look forward to the coming ministry year as a church family, that is the picture we need in our heart and head. What does it mean to be a church that is a spring of living water, a well of life in our community and world?
JUNE 5 - Celebration Sunday
Celebrating Devotion, by Ben McEachern
Acts 2:42-47
We read of the early disciples of Jesus being devoted "to the apostle's teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and to prayer." Over the course of this past year so many at NorthRidge have expressed a similar devotion. Today we are going to celebrate what God has done through that devotion and encourage one another and build each other up with gratitude.
MAY 2022
Make the Difference
Jesus said, "Go." Jesus said, "You will be my witnesses." Jesus said, "Freely you have received; freely give." At NorthRidge Fellowship we believe, if we are growing in our love for God and we are growing in our love for each other, we will make the difference Jesus wants us to make in this world. Join us as we grow in our understanding and teamwork of how we believe God is calling NorthRidge to Make The Difference he wants us to make.
Matt Hutchcraft
May 1, Going Home
John 4
When we think of missionaries, we think about being sent to exotic places in foreign countries, with foreign cultures and languages. But what if Jesus sent us home to be missionaries? Do we see our hometown, home culture as our mission field? This week we have a simple question, "How would a brand-new missionary look at our hometown?"
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
May 8, Taking Jesus Literally
Luke 10:25-29, 1Peter 3:13-18, Acts 17:26-27
What if Jesus meant for us to take "Love your neighbor as yourself" literally? I mean, like the person who lives next door or works in the next cubical. What if the most important thing we can do for our non-Christian friends is just to actually and authentically love them. What if telling them about Jesus is more about sharing our experience and hope than some canned presentation? Let's talk about it.
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
May 15, Teamwork
- Matthew 5:13-16, Philippians 1:27-30, Matthew 10:1-1-8; 40-42
We often say that Christianity is a team sport. That's why loving each other is so important. It makes us a team, Jesus' team. This team exists to work together to make the difference. This week we learn teamwork.
Dan Monson
Missions Pastor
May 22, On the Grid
John 1:6-9; Isaiah 42:5-9; Matthew 5:14-16; Acts 1:8;
Isaiah 43:10-12; Acts 12:25-13:1-3
God is at work all over the world. It's overwhelming actually. There are networks of Make The Difference teams doing amazing things for Jesus in amazing ways. How do we as a community of Christ-followers even begin to engage? Who do we work with? What are we doing? When it comes to missions, NorthRidge is "On the Grid". This week we see the power of working with mission partners.
Dan Monson
Missions Pastor
May 29, Connected
John 1:16; Hebrews 10:14-17, 34; Genesis 12:1-3; Philippians 4:10-20
Relationships matter. We usually say that about relationships within the community of NorthRidge as an encouragement to love each other. But at NorthRidge, when we form a relationship with a mission partner, we believe they are part of the community of NorthRidge and we want them to be relationally connected with us. This week, we expand the relationships of the NorthRidge team.
FALL 2021 - SPRING 2022
The King and his Kingdom: The Message of Matthew
Ask a random group of people why anyone should take Jesus Christ seriously today and the answer might be, "I don't know… why should I?" That was the question that motivated the Gospel of Matthew to be written. Who Jesus is, what he taught, what he did, how he died and that he rose has moved many to take him seriously. The message of Matthew is that he is a king to be followed, for all people, of all nations, for all times. Join us this year as we consider the message of the Gospel of Matthew. What does it mean for us if Jesus is still King in 2021? How would you live if he was your king?
Devotional Booklets
Devotional booklets are available, in print and online, for small groups and anyone who would like to follow along in this 8-part series. Click on the titles below to view published books online.
April 10: Anointing and Betrayal, Matthew 26:1-16
by Ben McEachern
Love always draws a response when it's genuine and sincere. Jesus' love is that kind. He is ready to lay down his life. His love is tangible, felt by all around. Some are repelled but one woman gives the perfect response. This week we are challenged by his love. How will we respond?
Thursday, April 14: Last Supper Service - The Bread and the Cup, Matthew 26:17-56
He did it on purpose. He knew he needed to give us something tangible to help us remember his love. He took the bread and cup and shared it with us. We are weak. He is strong. Tonight we celebrate his commitment to us.
Friday, April 15: Good Friday Service - The King of the Jews, Matthew 26:57-27:66
"Are you the Messiah?" "Are you the king of the Jews?" He was asked. He was arrested, tried, convicted and executed and he said very little. But what was there for him to say? He did not profess his innocence because he was there to bear our sin. Tonight we celebrate the love that redeemed us.
April 17: Easter - Out of the Tomb Into the Kingdom, Matthew 28:1-15
by Pastor Ben McEachern
The resurrection of Jesus from the dead opened the way for a whole new relationship with God. The kingdom would take a different path than anticipated. It's impact deeper, more personal and life changing than just another nation-state. The empty tomb would be the doorway to a whole new life for all who believe. This week we celebrate the risen King.
April 24: Great Commission: Making a Kingdom Difference, Matthew 28:16-20
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Until he comes again those who call him king are commissioned as his witnesses. The call is clear. Taking all we have learned over the last months of studying the Gospel of Matthew we are prepared to answer his call. We are ready to share his story until the whole world hears. This week we receive his commission.
February 27: Authority and Responsibility, Matthew 20:21:1-22
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Everything Jesus did that day was designed to confront. It was time. Some would have said, "It's about time!". This day was about cleaning house. It was about preparing the temple for the final sacrifice. With authority comes responsibility. He was doing what only he could do. He is our King.
March 6: Love and Rejection, Matthew 21:23-22:14
by Pastor Ben McEachern
With all the King and Kingdom talk it might be easy to miss that the reason the king came was to restore love. To reject him is to reject his offer of relationship, to reject his love. This week there is a warning against continuing in the status quo and an invitation to know God's love.
March 12-13: The Authority on God, Matthew 22:15-46
by Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
What makes someone an authority on something? What gives them authority to speak authoritatively? Generally some combination of experience and learning. When it comes to the things of God Jesus is the authority. Not because he studied, but because is the Son who knows the heart of the Father. This week he clears the clutter and tells us what matters to God.
March 20: Hypocisy, Matthew 23
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Nobody wants to be one of "those guys." You know, the hypocrites. Jesus doesn't want you to be one either. In fact, this whole chapter is dedicated to it. It's so easy to look right on the outside but be wrong in the inside. This week Jesus gives us an inside look at "Hypocrisy".
March 27: The End Game, Matthew 24
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Holy Week was not going to end like many either hoped or feared, with Jesus ascending the throne in Jerusalem and throwing out the Romans. it would end on a cross and begin with an empty tomb. The Salvation earned greater than the interests of one nation. "This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world." This week we are prepared for the task.
April 3: Kingdom Preppers, Matthew 25
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Are you ready? Jesus tells three stories back to back to back. All on the same theme. Are you ready? The point is clear, live ready because we do not know the day or the time our king will come to get us. This week Jesus shows us how to live ready for his return.
January 30: Valuing Relationships, Matthew 18
by Jerry Hickman, Small Groups Ministry Leader
Relationships are hard. They take time and effort. They defy simple formulas. They must be pursued. The Kingdom of Heaven puts a premium on relationships. As those reconciled to God we are called to live it out with our fellow citizens. This week Jesus calls us to value our relationships.
February 6: Jesus First, Matthew 19:1-12
by Pastor Ben McEachern
When we think of marriage we think of our commitment to the other. But do we think of singleness that way? For the Christ-followers the primary commitment in every relationship is to Christ. Every relationship exists for kingdom purposes first. Today Jesus shows us the sanctity not just of marriage but of singleness as well.
February 13: The Last are First-Part 1, Matthew 19:13-30
by Pastor Ben McEachern
It's natural to compete and a good thing too. Winners get status, kudos and admired for their success. But what constitutes success? To whom do we give status and for what? The Kingdom of Heaven applies a different calculation. This week we look at status and success according to our king.
February 20: The Last are First-Part 2, Matthew 20:1-34
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Grace is the great equalizer. It humbles the proud and exalts the humble. The community of the kingdom is based on grace. This week we explore the impact of Grace on the community of those who have experienced it.
January 2: Enough When Life is Too Much, Matthew 13:53-14:36
by Pastor Ben McEachern
If we are going to wait to follow Jesus until everything is perfect we never will. Doubt, discouragement, rejection, fatigue and the sheer enormity of the task will keep us where we are. But the King is calling us onto the water. He is enough when life is too much.
January 9: The Right Thing, Matthew 15
by Pastor Ben McEachern
There's doing things right, and then there's doing the right thing. The temptation of religion is always to focus on doing things right. But Jesus is concerned we do the right thing. The starting place is in our hearts and works out into all we do. This week Jesus challenges us to look in so we can look out and see what he would have us do.
January 16: Spectators and Players, Matthew 16
by Pastor Ben McEachern
The kingdom is something we do. But it's tempting to want to sit back and watch, to evaluate the performance of others, be "wowed". Jesus says, "Watch out for that." He is the Messiah King and he is building is church. This week we see, there is no bench, we are all in the game.
January 23: Serious Business, Matthew 17
by Gregg Tisor, Adult Minister
A friend once said, "We take Jesus very seriously but ourselves not so much." There's a bit of that in Matthew 17. The King and his kingdom are serious business. He is who he says and he expected his disciples to do what he taught them but his ego never got in the way. This week Jesus what is means to take him seriously.
December 4-5: The Mess, Matthew 15:24-52
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Every hero (real or imagined) has an origin story. Nobody suddenly does great things. Somehow they were prepared for the moment they were in. Jesus is no different. The story of his beginning is critically important to know if we will grasp the true nature of his place in God's story. This Christmas we trace the origin story of Jesus.
December 11-12: Promises Kept, Matthew 1:1-17
by Pastor Ben McEachern
A genealogy seems like a funny place to start a story. But the story of Jesus doesn't start here. It starts with the promises of God made to Abraham and David, covenants they are called, of which Jesus is the fulfillment. He is "the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham". Understanding this is critical to understanding him.
December 18-19: Problem Child, Matthew 1:18-25
by Pastor Ben McEachern
I know we aren't supposed to say this about Jesus but face it he was. Joseph (and Mary) had a problem. Because of his presence in their lives they were facing something that didn't fit neatly into the categories of their social norms. Their response is instructive for those who will call Jesus King.
December 25-26: Into Our Story, Matthew 2:13-23 - ONLINE ONLY
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Sometimes we look at our leaders and wonder if they understand our lives. I look at the childhood of Jesus and realize he understands life at its best and worst. His family were refugees and he was the reason. Our king is one of us and he knows how to lead us.
October 23-24: The Borders of the Kingdom, Matthew 8
by Pastor Brax Carvette
So how far does this kingdom go? What is the scope of his rule? In this week's passage Jesus demonstrates the extent of his power and authority.
October 30-31: He Is For You, Matthew 9
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Sometimes it seems those in power are there for themselves. But our King is different. He doesn't need us to prop himself up. This week we see Jesus exercise his power and authority for our benefit.
November 6-7: Marching Orders, Matthew 10
by Pastor Ben McEachern
This kingdom has a mission. The blessed are called to bless. Jesus tells us "Freely you have received. Freely give." This week we get our marching orders as citizens of His Kingdom.
November 13-14: Taking Jesus Seriously, Matthew 11
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Some things demand a response. Some things don't. It's important to know the difference. Our response to King Jesus matters. Today we wrestle with what is the right response.
November 20-21: Setting the Agenda, Matthew 12
by Pastor Ben McEachern
It's so easy to get in reactionary mode, to let the kingdom of this world set our agenda. The King sets our agenda just like he set his. He knew who he was, why he was there and what he wanted to accomplish. This week Jesus models living with a kingdom agenda.
November 27-28: Living for Kingdom Impact, Matthew 13:1-23
by Pastor Ben McEachern
The kingdom, at its core is a very personal thing gauged on our response to the king. This week Jesus uses a parable about seeds that invites us to wrestle with our response and choose to live for Kingdom Impact.
October 2-3: Cultural Relevance, Matthew 5
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Jesus lays out the new culture of the kingdom. We see our privileged position our new identity and the cultural commitments we have as his subjects. This week we take a broad overview and see why and how we are different from the culture around us.
October 9-10: Living Connected, Matthew 6:7-12
by Pastor Ben McEachern
The blessing of the kingdom is a new connection with God as Father. This chapter coaches us on how to live as children of God in a new love relationship. Jesus here invites us to leave the old broken faithless way of living. In the new kingdom we live in God’s love.
October 16-17: Cultural Choices, Matthew 7:13-29
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Living in the new kingdom with the new king requires intentionality. Today Jesus gives us some warning and encouragement of what to watch out for and where to focus so that we can truly live as his people.
September 11-12: Why We Call Him King, Overview of Matthew
by Pastor Ben McEachern
King. What comes to mind when we say the word? Pomp and circumstance, a guy on a horse with a sword… chess or checkers? It meant something different in ages past. In our culture the whole idea of a king is a curious note in history. Our country has no king. The Bible says that Jesus is king, today… in our country. What does that mean for us? This week we begin our journey through the gospel of Matthew by asking “Why We Call Him King”.
September 18-19: Ready or Not He Came, Matthew 3:1-12
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Something different was coming. Ironically, it was not unexpected. People were looking for it. In their minds they were ready for it. They were ready for God to do a new thing. Or so their thought…The new kingdom was coming but were they ready for something new? Are we? This week the new king is identified. Do our expectations prepare us for the reality of his rule or hinder?
September 25-26: The Kings Focus, Matthew 4
by Mark Bjorlo, Converge North Central Regional President
A new kingdom is emerging. Rooted in God’s previous work, this is something new. Jesus rejects the temptation for business as usual. This king is different. “The kingdom of heaven has come near.” Jesus calls us to join him in spreading the good news and inviting people in.
Get Real - Honest Conversations with God
We want to use the Psalms (the poems, prayers and reflections) to grow our ability to have an authentic conversation with God within the whole of life, the good and the bad, the beautiful and ugly, the hopeful and the confusing. The Psalms give us words to articulate our experience in a real, honest way that is not just honest for us but let God be honest with us. The Psalms articulate true spirituality at an emotional as well as intellectual level. In different circumstances and seasons, the Psalm are meant to help us deepen our conversation and give us words and permission to get real. Honest with ourselves and honest with God.
June 26-27 Happiness Psalm 1
Ben McEachern
Lead Pastor
Do you know the way of happiness? The way many put it there is God's way and the other way. The other way is the happy way. But the Psalmist says, "Get real!" God's way is the way of happiness and blessing. This week we adjust our thinking so we can begin to have the conversation with God we need to have.
July 3-4 Unity Psalm 133
Gregg Tisor
Adult Minister
Unity implies that there are differences among us. Different thoughts, different opinions, different experiences, different goals. Yet the Bible calls for God’s people to be unified, because in unity there is blessing. But is this even possible? If so, then how?
Click here for Sermon Discussion
July 10-11 Redemption Psalm 103
Brax Carvette
Youth Minister
"Honestly, what's the point?" That's a hard sentence to hear from someone you care about. It's a hard sentence to say. Someone who says that sentence sounds like someone who is in despair– but at least they're honest about it! At least they're getting real about their despair! We can feel worn out as we go about life. At some point, we're going to have to get real with God and tell him that we don't see much of a point to keep following him. This week, we hear how King David (who wrote Psalm 103) reminded himself of the benefits of following God.
July 17-18 Dealing with Sin Psalm 51
Brax Carvette
Youth Minister
Getting real with God can be hard when what’s real is the fact that we are really bad. We are marred with Sin. This week, we look to Psalm 51 to see how we can come to God for His forgiveness.
July 24-25 Justice of God Psalm 64
Mike Stella
NorthRidge Member
This week we continue our Get Real series by exploring Psalm 64 and looking at how to handle personal injustice. The injustice that happens to us on a personal level is without question the hardest one to deal with…because after all, it’s personal. So, how do we deal with the attacks to our character? How do we operate with the co-worker that is slandering us at work? How do we reconcile a relationship with a family member who has turned the family against us? How do we deal with a business partner who has lied and broken our trust? How do we interact with those who hurl insults at us for standing for the truths of the Bible?
Come this week and have a real conversation about how we can trust God to right these wrongs.
July 31 - August 1 Perspective Psalm 73
Andy Schultz
Worship Pastor
Have you ever been bothered by something that caused you to wrestle with your faith in God only to realize that there was another way of seeing or thinking about things? I'm sure we all have. Afterall, we are not God and cannot see or know everything. However, through regular conversations with God, we can begin to see things from another perspective. His.
August 7-8 Following God in the Desert Psalm 63
Jon Schrupp
David cries out to God while in exile in the desert. How do we cry out to God in the deserts of our lives?
August 14-15 What We Really Need, Psalm 23
Glenn Herschberger
Cities Cop Church Pastor
In Psalm 23, our great Shepherd, provides his sheep with everything we need. This is true even in the midst of life’s hard times, including pandemic.) “If Jesus is my shepherd”—you already have everything you need. That’s not merely a statement about what your desires ought to be, but rather a statement about the daily life you already lead.
August 21-22 Thanksgiving Psalm 34, 100
Mike Stella
NorthRidge Member
NorthRidge member Mike Stella is preaching this weekend in the Get Real series on the topic Gratitude from Psalm 34, sharing how our praise toward God reveals our heart of gratitude.
August 28-29 God's Blessings Psalm 67
Brax Carvette
Youth Minister
September 4-5 Worship Weekend Psalm 145-150
Andy Schultz
Worship Pastor
At NorthRidge, we define worship as "Our response to God, for who He is and for what He's done!" The last handful of Psalms are all about who God is and what He's done. This weekend, we will be spending time reading these Psalms and responding through music and other creative expressions of worship.
JUNE 2021
Spiritual Impact
The Church has one task: Point the world to Jesus. Impact and effectiveness are measured in this one thing. This is Jesus' concern in John 15. He is preparing us for impact. He starts with a connection with him that makes us like him. He builds steam as he knits us together in a healthy fellowship. He then leads us head-long into the world, a church that makes a spiritual impact.
June 5-6 Fruitful Lives John 15:1-8
The analogy of a vine is a good one. Jesus is a hardy vine capable of surviving the harshest environments and still bearing fruit. If we are connected to him, we will too… and we did. This past ministry season was a tough one, but He still bore fruit through us. This week we celebrate it. We remind ourselves of all he has done. We point out the fruit and encourage one another.
Sermon Discussion Sheet
June 12-13 Healthy Fellowship John 15:9-17
Healthy people have healthy relationships. God the Father and God the Son are the healthiest beings alive. Jesus invites un into that love so we can learn to share that love with each other. Healthy fellowship flows from this. Healthy fellowship is mission critical. This week we see the kind of fellowship required for spiritual impact.
June 19-20 Effective Witness John 15:18-27
"Remain in me or you won't bear fruit" Jesus said. "Love each other because I have appointed you to bear fruit." He tells us. This week we see why. He intends to plant himself in the harshest of environments and have a spiritual impact through us. Bearing fruit leads to becoming effective witnesses.
Peace by Piece
Peace so often feels like an elusive thing. Whether in our hearts, in our personal relationships or in our society, real peace doesn't just happen. Passivity is a problem not a solution. That's why the Bible says to "seek peace and pursue it." If that's the case, where do we go to get it? How do we find it? The biblical answer is we make it. Jesus listed peacemaking the outcome of his salvation and as one of the qualities of his followers. Peacemaking is a process with many pieces. Join us this spring as we learn from God's word to build "Peace by Piece".
April 10-11, 2021 - The Master Peacemaker
Ephesians 2:11-32
The first piece of peacemaking is the answer to a simple question, "Why should I care?" It's a reasonable question for any undertaking, especially a difficult and sometimes unpleasant one. Peacemaking will cost you. It cost God. For followers of Jesus, peacemaking is not an option. It is the other purpose of Jesus' death and resurrection. It is God's will for your life. Jesus is "The Peacemaker".
April 17-18, 2021 - What are we trying to do? by Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
Isaiah 59:7-8; Matthew 5:38-42, Leviticus 26:6, Psalm 4:8, Psalm 85:10, Isaiah 27:5, Isaiah 55:12; Jeremiah 14:19,29:7,33:6,9, Malachi 2:6, Acts 9:31
It's always good to know what it is you are trying to do. Generally good outcomes happen because there was a clear understanding of what we were trying to accomplish. The second piece of peacemaking is to understand what the bible means. The biblical word is "shalom". It is a thing and it has an impact. This week we explore what Biblical peace is and what are its outcomes.
April 24-25, 2021 - On Being Children of God, by Gregg TIsor, Adult Minister
Romans 12:18; Matthew:5:9; James 3:13-18
There are things you do because you have to and things you do because of who you are. Every new thing is awkward at first. It takes learning. But the things we do because of identity we pursue with passion. We are children of God. The third piece of being a peacemaker is to embrace it as part of our identity in Christ. This week we learn how to live as children of God.
Sermon Discussion Sheet
May 1-2, 2021 - That Thing in My Eye
1 John 4:16-21; James 4:1-12, Matthew 7:3-5
In peacemaking situations, it's so easy to see what's wrong with others. Jesus says, "Ya don't start there." The fourth piece of peacemaking is the ability to see ourselves honestly and clearly. Whether it's a personal situation or an issue of injustice in society, we all have our blind spots and bring our baggage into the conversation. This week we face "That Thing in My Eye".
May 8-9, 2021 - Peacemaking Restores
Matthew 7:3-5 1 John 1:8-9; Matthew 6:12-15, Matthew 7:12
Why is it up to me to clean up the world's mess? It isn't, but it would be nice if we could pick up after ourselves. The fifth piece of peacemaking is being people who lead others in repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation. In this sermon we talk about what repentance and forgiveness look like and how to pursue them so as to be reconciled.
May 15-16, 2021 - On Turning Cheeks and Turning Tables
Matthew 5:38-42; 21:12-13
Peacemaking by definition doesn't start with peace. It starts with conflict. Peacemaking demands the peacemaker actually enter the conflict. Sometimes we confront a false, co-dependent pseudo-peace. Sometimes we turn the other cheek. The sixth piece of peacemaking is to determine the right response. This week we talk about peacemaking responses.
May 22-23, 2021 - Peacemaking Takes Practice
1 Corinthians 10:31-33; Phil 4:2-9; James 4:1-3, Mt 7:3-5; Col 3:5-14, Galatians 6:1-2; Eph 4:1-3,
Sometimes we can make something more difficult than it needs to be. The truth is we can't control the outcomes of our efforts at making peace. We can control our approach. The seventh piece of peacemaking is to prepare ourselves for the conversations. This week we will learn a simple process of preparation for the act of peacemaking.
May 29-30, 2021 - Becoming People of Peace, by Matt Hutchcraft, Mission Partner
Isaiah 52:7, Ephesians 6:15 and Matthew 5
Peacemakers feel like the Gospel. Relationships matter. We carry the Good News of Jesus across all the boundaries and barriers that normally divide us. We cross boundaries of geography, culture, race, class and ideology. The eighth piece of being a peacemaker is bringing the Gospel of Peace to everyone. This week we learn how to be people of influence who open doors for the Gospel.
Redemption, what a hopeful word. It means a second chance, a re-do. It means I'm not stuck in my past. It means my sin is not my identity. It means my failure is not the final word. It means my value is restored. It means my difficult moment was not wasted. Do you need it? Who deserves it? How does one get it? What if I mess up again? Join us Holy Week as we get ready for “REdemption".
Saturday & Sunday, March 27-28 - REvisited (Palm Sunday)
Luke 19:28-48
Redemption is coming. Can you see it? God is at work. Looking back at Palm Sunday, some could see it and some could not. Some looked at Jesus that day and saw hope for a different future. Others saw a threat to a comfortable present. What do you see?
Thursday, April 1 - REserved (Last Supper Service 7:00pm)
Luke 22:1-34; (2 Corinthians 7:10)
What a crazy night. So much is going on. But tonight we look at two men at the table with Jesus. One prepares to betray him. Another will deny him. One will leave the table never to return. One of them receives redemption and finds his way back. For people like him, there is always room at Christ's table. There’s a place reserved for you. Tonight isn't for the perfect. It's for the redeemed.
Friday, April 2 - REvealed (Good Friday Service 5:30 & 7:00pm)
Luke 23:26-56
It was the darkest day in history. Jesus called it the "hour when darkness reigns". And yet, there was light in the darkness. A thief, a soldier and a judge all saw something, and each responded in the moment in a personal and an appropriate way. There in the darkness our redemption was revealed. All that is left is for us to see it and respond.
Sunday, April 4 - REjoicing (Sunrise Service 6:30am), by Pastor Dan Monson
Luke 24:1-8
Somethings are so outside our experience we need someone outside our experience to explain it. The resurrection of our redeemer is like that. Angels celebrated his birth and angels celebrated his resurrection. This morning we join the angels and rejoice in our Redeemer!
Saturday, April 3 & Sunday, April 4 - REmade (Easter Service Saturday 5:00pm & Sunday 8:00, 9:15 & 10:45)
John 20:11-18 (Luke 24: 13-49)
You can rest in your redemption because you can trust your Redeemer. We don’t just trust him because he redeemed our past. He redeems our present and future. Redemption remakes us. This is something worth believing, receiving and sharing with others. Because "He is risen! Just as he said."
God's Got Us - A Journey through the Book of Daniel
It’s not just that "God's got this!". He does, but it's so much more. "God's got this!" is good if we remember that he has us in his plan and purpose and not the other way around. God is sovereign and he is in charge and in control even when people are in rebellion to him and circumstances are dark and difficult. He acts, we respond and our responses have repercussions, for good or for ill, salvation or destruction. Consider Daniel and his friends. Caught in the storm of history, overrun by events, suddenly thrust into dark circumstances, still they kept their bearings because they knew it was not about them but about Him. The Book of Daniel reveals the scope of God's sovereignty. From the intensely personal circumstances of four young men ripped from their homes and forced to serve the king who conquered them to fantastic visions of world events, we see God's sovereign power and purpose throughout. It is my hope that this study will help us all to face the personal and global challenges of our time with less fear, cynicism and anger and with greater faith, hope and love because God's Got Us!
January 2-3 When your world falls apart
by Pastor Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor
Daniel 1
It's so easy to be wise and insightful when it happens to someone else. It's another thing when my world is up ended. If God loved me wouldn't my life always be Disneyland? But we are in a story bigger than us. Events can be cruel. This week Daniel and his friends show us how to draw close to the God who rules even when it seems the world has fallen apart.
January 9-10 When the challenge is too great, Daniel 2
by Glenn Herschberger, Executive Director of Church Planting//Converge Great Lakes
Sometimes life is unfair and people are unreasonable. Sometimes circumstances are perplexing and people are evil. How does a man or woman of God navigate? Few of us will navigate murkier waters than Daniel but our circumstances are just as important for our moment as his were for his. Today he teaches us how to trust the God of Heaven in order to navigate our times well.
January 16-17 When it costs greatly to follow, Daniel 3
by Brax Carvette, Youth Minister
Nobody likes pain. We don’t like physical pain, emotional pain or spiritual pain. Even Jesus didn't like pain. But sometimes, in following the Sovereign Lord we find ourselves at odds with those who oppose him. Then what? Is God still in control when we suffer for his name?
January 23-24 When you think you are god, Daniel 4
by Pastor Ben McEachern
God is not like us. He feels no need to prop himself up with empty pride and posturing. He hates our pride because it separates us from any meaningful relationship with him. Pride is the delusion that we are sovereign in some way when He is in every way. He restores our sanity with a thing called "Grace". This week we learn the working of sovereign grace.
January 30-31 When we disregard God, Daniel 5
by Pastor Ben McEachern
Sacrilege, not a word we concern ourselves with much anymore. Even if you knew what it meant, would you do more than yawn? "God is love" but he is no push over. He will not tolerate disrespect forever. God moves in history and we are either in step or out. This week we are challenged to take seriously the things of God.
February 6-7 When enemies abound, Daniel 6
by Jayden Watts, Youth Assistant
God is sovereign when enemies abound. Sometimes we can get so busy reacting to people we become unresponsive to God. Daniel, through years of practice, had learned to do the opposite. He interacted with God and then responded to people. That's why his life was the backdrop that displayed the glory of God. Let's learn from him.
February 13-14 The Template of History
Daniel 7
Don't know if you noticed but the world is a little crazy. And it will continue to be. World events, wars, unrest, the plans and actions of powerful nations and people all scream, either "We are in control!" or "It's all out of control!" But we are not as powerful as we think. There is One who moves history to his end. This week He shows us His template for history.
February 20-21 But it looks like we are losing
Daniel 8
It's a prophecy about the uncomfortable middle. The proud and arrogant trample on the people of God. But it's not the end. It's the middle. We live in the middle and this is given to us to give us the faith and hope to endure to the end. This week let us find our strength in our Sovereign God.
February 27-28 Stepping into the promise anyway
Daniel 9
Confession, they say is good for the soul… that is because we like to make everything about us. What if that's irrelevant? What if confession has more to do with getting realigned with the sovereign God so we can get back into step with him? That's what Daniel shows us how to do today so we can step into His promises.
March 6-7 Heard and Helped
Daniel 10
The battle is bigger than you know. God is moving sovereignly, graciously and with amazing patience and gentleness. You may even call him meek. And he never loses sight of his people or fails to hear their prayer. This week we remember that we are not lost to our Sovereign God.
March 13-14 God's sovereignty in the days to come
Daniel 11
Prophecy is a funny thing. Get it too right and they doubt you as writing after the fact. But this passage isn't just history in prophetic form. It's a call to stay focused, remember who is in control, realize that events will continue to swirl. It's a call for God's people to keep their feet on the rock and persevere with faith, hope and love.
March 20-21 The end of the matter
by Mike Stella, NorthRidge Member
Daniel 12 (Revelation 21; John 5:19-30)
There is an end to all this you know. But not really and end as much as a new beginning. This world is moving under the sovereign hand of God. A day of judgement is coming to which Jesus pointed and John had visions. This week Daniel calls us to lift our eye and hearts, to fall into step with our sovereign God.